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I finally FINALLY finished the rough draft of my next feature length script after like 9-10 months of working on it! i'm so fucking happy and relieved >< it's not ready for public eyes yet, i still need to revise it and that's gonna be it's own ordeal

but it did remind me that I haven't done one of these Kaizen Threads in a long long time! So now i want to check in with everyone and see what kaizen's are they working on!

Kaizen, or "continuous improvement", is most well known nowadays as a system for improving business proficiency. However, I was introduced to it as a means of improving ones own healthy habits and achieving goals by shifting the focus from "making something perfect" to "putting time into something continously over time"

you can get better at doing a thing by putting a little time in each day, even if it's just a minute at a time, and i've seen it work in my own life drastically!

so what are your Kaizens right now? What are you working on?

What habits are you trying to make? What are you trying to break?

How have they been coming along? What can you do to improve?

Share me what is making a better you?
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>>1162431  it's pretty cool that you're getting experience with these systems


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i think so too! i have dabbled with illustator before, but now i am very comfy with it. plus with this job, it should reflect well on my resume as well as just good network connections ^_^


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Cupids are easy enough. I want to be able to do breath taking drops, butterflies and embraces.


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Is it a meme? Do you personally feel it? Then, well, share it here!

I'll start with this:

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It bothers me that I even slightly understand this meme, let alone so well that I hear Woody's voice in my head...


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Nearing the end of the winter season we start to encroach on a holiday that is becoming more known worldwide. Of course it's the holiday of love, Valentine's day.

I want to put out there that the holiday is for more than just lovers. It's for friends, for family, and for ourselves. It can be a good reminder to remember the people and places and things we truly appreciate, and also to give a good dose of love to ourselves as well.

So join me in a warm cup of whatever drink gives you the most love, and talk about anything and all on our minds.
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For Madame Web? Sure. The one clip I saw recently definitely makes it look hilaribad.

...unlike Morbius which was just regular boring-bad.


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I liked the part where she's like "Are you webby for this?" and then she starts to web all over the place.


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Coffee refresh

 No.1160671[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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We used to write stories together!

You can find them here: http://fndkp.jimdofree.com

Nowadays we just sit around and talk. Feel free to join.

We also have some 8-bit desktop ponies here: https://github.com/RoosterDragon/Desktop-Ponies/releases/download/v1.68/Desktop.Ponies.v1.68.zip

And more are here:

Check out the deviantART community:

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>>1162444  she was shrieking while I was packing to come here.
that looks glorious.
heading to bed; have a nice day!


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Just how it should be!

Good night!



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I have started to tinker with NovelAI, generating images of myself to use as an avatar and maybe post more often.
So I need to know what reaction images are a *MUST* to have. Post all of your reaction images when it comes to avatars, and tips I can use to make reactions image of this character (literally me)
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None of you posted any actual reaction pics!


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A good smug is mandatory. Everything else is optional.


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This is the biggest outrage and controversial situation to happen here in the UK in decades
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Okay, can you chill a bit?

I trust it's not what you mean, but at this point you're coming across like you're mad at ME for these instances that I haven't even particularly elaborated on.


My understanding is that the big news out of the U.K. lately is that weird things keep happening to those from 'The Office', including the actor behind a main character just up and f--ing dying a moment ago despite being considerably young:

> https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-68357976

I'm pretty >feels bad man< since I like the British original 'The Office' show a lot and should get it on DVD soon NGL


Going to post this, in terms of what I just said.

 No.1157992[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Reminder that the pilot was advertised for tomorrow on Prime.

If it hasn't changed yet.

For those who have access to Prime.
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as a girl with a dick, i don't got much options down there


Since when have you known judgy folks to consider the variables?


Imagine if somebody looks into demonic rituals more, and we see something like transgender people going "I cast a volcano curse on your cock!" or "I cast a snow curse on your cock!"?


Happy Saturday everyone!

I take it you will be out partying tonight?
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Do you have any board game events near you?


Not really.

I go to a TTRPG session once a week, and if someone can't show up we likely just play a board game, but the closest place ti play board games would be in Copenhagen, and I don't have many friends that play them. Nor can I afford the cool ones anyway.

I'd like to play more, though.


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I'm always looking for ways to host an online event so my friends from around the world can participate


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Please, help me make Suomi see the light. Tell him why he should reconsider his stance about Elon Musk, and why that person is nothing but the toxic outlet of disenchanted nerdy white guys.
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I mean you could always just kill your rich billionaire scumbag dad before he can wipe you from the inheritance, use the money to post bail/cover it up and go on to do whatever you'd like.


I swear that this is the plot to some anime and/or manga that I've come across before...


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unsure why i even bother posting here nowdays.

>have a roof over my head ( although the house have black mold and the roof is slowly caving in )

>have a job ( with many overtime hours )

>have cash after bills are paid
( so i can pay for gas and food )

>have several projects cars that ive bought for cheap
( they are cheap for a reason since needs alot of work. and nothing newer than 1999 )

>have couple of project boats ive bought for cheap
( since they need repairs and no body wanna deal with 2 stroke engines since they are so bad for the enviroment )
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There should be more research into the separation between "I'm intellectually aware that I'm injured in certain ways, which I'll deal with" versus "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!". Absolutely.

From the perspective of natural selection, I've never quite understood why humanity has evolved to be subject to constant agony without there being any positive value from that experience. A kind of shock type alert from an injury helps in the immediate moment. It's worse than useless if you keep getting alerts of that sort over and over again for an extremely long period of time.

If cyborg related processes become a regular thing and somehow I live to be able to be a part of that whole scientific movement, a key hope for me would be to permanently remove my ability to feel pain and upgrade my biological status so that I only experience the awareness of painful happenings. I can't wait to transcend the nightmarish deceit and weakness that is the nature of "a flesh pile" for the intelligent reliability and strength that is the nature of "a machine". Honestly.

There's actually, if I remember right, a scene from Terminator 2 on this topic since the murderous cyborg creatures process data about various damages that's been caused to them in a way that's similar to feeling pain but is still quite different, which is an aspect of their ruthless efficiency.


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LOL, someone actually did a study on this!


:pinkie1: :pinkie1: :pinkie1: :pinkie1:
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>Spoken like a true "race realist"
I don't think that Boat is making an ontological claim about the realism of race.  I think we all agree that racial classifications are only approximations of underlying genetics.


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I just thought it was a funny study that I posted for laughs.  Somehow the thread got derailed into discussion of racial classifications.


This is high-octane embarrassing cringe writing that brings back a lot of highly specific memories for me personally as a former university employee in northern Texas (me serving both as a 'Research Assistant' / 'RA' and as a 'Teacher's Assistant' / 'TA' at times ), especially since these young people (or kids, I guess, if they're actually just kids starting out in college) clearly need a lot more academic education.

>"This is a preprint".
>"[I]t has not been peer reviewed by a journal."
>Article cannot correctly even spell the word "introduction".
>Article cannot correctly even spell the word "conclusions".
>Article ends with the horribly self-crippling commentary that the very hypothesis itself is "yet to be underpinned by extensive theoretical support, warranting further exploration."
>Article also ends with the totally devastating admission that "the standardized measurements of penile size used in the study may be influenced by various factors such as ambient temperature, arousal state, presence of others, concerns about privacy, or time elapsed since the last ejaculation" such that those factors "introduce biases in the reliability and validity of the measurements."

Seems generally to be at a level akin to the baking sketch in this American comedy program:


And that's not even beginning to get into the details over all of the baffling statements made on ethnicity, nationality, and race. Eh. I could say more. Yet I won't.


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One of the great things about G4 was the over-the-top facial expressions the artists came up with.  Got any favorites?  
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This is a gem in G3.


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So today a tradgey happened. For you see for many years now Diddy Kong has had a Wikipedia page.

Yet for some reason the mods on Wikipedia voted for the page to be deleted. Diddy Kong no longer has his own Wikipedia article

Wikipedia has fallen, Billions must read


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That's incredibly weird.  Why would they have done that?


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I guess it's cause he never did anything relevant ever.


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Wikipedia is losing reputation every day it does not have a Chris-Chan article.


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Oh god oh no


The feeling is mutual


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I'm too old with too many other problems to give a shit if chris-chan reconfirms things she already established over a decade ago, that she's autistic and a fan of MLP.


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no silence... you have to pick an alarm clock song to wake up to.

what do you pick? it can match your mood: it is not permanent. it just has to be an actual song you choose to wake up to, tomorrow morning.
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It really is.


This wakes me up.


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Definitely would not use that as an alarm, that's completely traumatizing.  But I guess I think about alarms in general, so I don't use any.

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