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In the heart of Finland, nestled between thick pines and crystal-clear lakes, lived a dog named Wan Wan. He was a sprightly Corgi with an unmatched zest for life. Every morning, Wan Wan would delve through the village, his bark echoing joyfully off the wooden cottages.

One crisp autumn day, while wandering through the woods, Wan Wan stumbled upon a small, family-run farm. It wasn't people he found interesting, but the sumptuous smell of fried chicken that filled the air. The farm was owned by the Virtanen family, who were known for their traditional Finnish cooking methods. Unlike other places, they used beef tallow instead of seed oil to fry their chicken. Mrs. Virtanen had read that seed oil is an abominably unhealthy choice for frying, and she preferred the rich, unaltered taste of tallow.

As Wan Wan approached, his nose twitched in delight. The Virtanens, spotting the friendly Corgi, offered him a small bite of the crispy chicken skin, knowing well the dangers of feeding him fried foods too often. He accepted the treat with a polite bark and wagged his tail in appreciation.

Inspired by the Virtanens and the purity of their food preparation, Wan Wan became somewhat of an ambassador for healthy living. He took it upon himself to spread joy and a bit of culinary wisdom. Whenever he heard someone frying with seed oil, he would appear with a gentle bark, almost as if suggesting, "Maybe try beef tallow?"

Wan Wan's reputation grew, and he soon became a beloved figure not just in Finland, but among all who visited. Tourists would come to the Virtanen farm asking to meet the wise Corgi who preferred his chicken fried in tallow.

And so, through a blend of wagging tails, barks, and the alluring aroma of chicken, Wan Wan taught many about the simple joys of food made with care and tradition, steering them away from the less wholesome alternatives. It was a lesson wrapped in love and the savory delights of a well-cooked meal, shared from the heart of Finland to the far reaches of the world.
t. ChatGPT
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Yay, no seed oil!  Only healthy oils/fats like olive oil and beef tallow!


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i wonder... how much is enough? if you were to earn, how much would you earn? how much would you like to have?

before you say, oh, i have enough? is there a number?
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With clips like that, I assume the woman isn't like taking it seriously.


3 bitcoin/year


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Ah right, Bitcoin has really risen didn't it. While I have little investment in it myself, it really showed those other people that speculative investments can be profitable.


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Here's a question:
The story goes that Asian companies sometimes hire Western people just for the prestige of having them.

Suppose you land a position at such an Asian company.
You get a very nice paycheck, you have to come into the office in the morning at 8 and have to leave in the evening at 7.
You have to dress up nice enough. But you don't get any real assignment, besides staying in your own office, where you can play video games or do whatever you want on your office computer (as long as it doesn't make you look too unprofessional). You have no real obligations at all. Perhaps they'll ask you to read through an English document once in a blue moon.

Would you be willing to work such a job?
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I might take the job, get some financial security while using all that time at a distraction free office to teach myself skills necessary to commit fraud against the company


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If we're taking everything at face value, hell yeah. I wanna get paid to sit there and look cute and have no responsibilities. It'd be exactly the same thing as I usually do except in a suit.

Is it kind of racist? Yeah. But supposedly I get a really fucking good deal out of it so whatever.


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Why stop there? I'll start my own exotic corpo host club and offer gwailo services

 No.1164577[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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We used to write stories together!

You can find them here: http://fndkp.jimdofree.com

Nowadays we just sit around and talk. Feel free to join.

We also have some 8-bit desktop ponies here: https://github.com/RoosterDragon/Desktop-Ponies/releases/download/v1.68/Desktop.Ponies.v1.68.zip

And more are here:

Check out the deviantART community:

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It was still pretty great.
and powerful


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I keep hearing about this strange mythical land known as


Does anyone know what this is? Seems it's a wild place full of lumberjacks, maple syrup, Hockey players and... French

But that can't right! It just does not add up. What even is a Canada?

What goes on there?
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Hey now, it's one of the better countries in North America. Way better than Mexico, in my opinion.


Now I feel in the mood for drinking some maple syrup...


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Don't worry.

Be furry.

So... anything new/new-to-you that you've come across lately that you've enjoyed, from dramatic films to TV advertisements to video game trailers or whatever else with furries in it?
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I saw a car today with the license plate "vysefox" and it was all black and red and edgy and I wish I could've gotten a picture of the thing.

Otherwise I've been playing Cobalt Core and that's pretty great.


Talk of painting things and otherwise creating artwork makes me think of this video:



Try this one then!


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I wanna know!

Can you show me?

Don't touch me!
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 No.1164475[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Well it appears the winter has finally passed, and with that the days are becoming warmer and it feels like life is already much busier than before.

It might be the ending of winter, the warmth of spring, or the familiar songs I heard when showering but somehow it feels the days are more nostalgic and familiar to me. Both the good times, as well as the trials.

With all that going on I have to remind myself as well as I remind others to take time to relax, have a nice warm drink, and feel at ease to talk about what's on your minds. So I welcome you all once again to join in and consider this a welcoming space for all
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some artist grows out their projects sadly.
and it´s past 11 pm. so i should hit the hay.


I got busy and forgot to respon

This is the video I was watching


Got my caffeine fix with Earl Grey, extra creme and honey.

It's not a good night... I'm really achy, sore, tired. Followed the doctors suggestion and it didn't work so now I'm taking more drastic measures. :coco3:

My partners are both sick on top of going through absolute hell right now, and theres nohin I can do for them except be by the phone if they need me. Which isn't nearly enough :trixie1:

I hope this passes soon.


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it's 4/13 once again, and we must ponder our place in the multiverse, what is "canon" and the name of a young lad standing in his room and why it isn't Zoolord Poopsmell!

and of course, we need to figure out what our sign and classpect are!

the official test to find your extended zodiac is here!

and there is no official classpect test, but i did find this one

there are other fanmade ones if you wish to find a different ones!

remember that this is just for fun, and the test itself says if you don' actually relate to your irl zodiac, you can choose whichever one feels closer to your actual self!

So have fun! I can't wait to see what everyone finds out <3
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agree 100%

also i just found this pic, and i needed to share it with you :33


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lmfao that's really funny


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i need more episodes! i have to know what will happen!


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With the closure of Ponychan, we have been very privileged to see the arrival of many friends, both old and new.

I hope that our community here at Ponyville will greet our new friends with open, and loving hearts.

If you are a new poster, please do take a look at our rules, located on the home page! The rules are generally pretty lenient, and reports are handled with both a gentle hoof and on a case by case basis.

For the time being, we'll be more lenient with regards to the rules as well, as everyone settles in.

Please also take a look at our options on the top left! If you're more familiar with Ponychan's thumbnails, for example, the miniaturize option might be to your liking!

We have some great themes to try, and a series of delightful ponymotes, too! :trixie2:

If you have any questions, or would like to introduce yourself, please feel free to use this thread too! We are so happy to have you join our humble home.
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Why no "m"?


Obviously it is registered in Colombia.


Moved to >>>/arch/4740.


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It's April 10th, which is recognized as National Femboy Day!


If you have ever wondered how you are able to use the internet and various social media services, just know that a fabulous thigh high wearing soldier is on the other side making sure the world doesn't fall apart!

So to all the cute flirty bois who've shattered your sexual identity and have cracked your egg, we salute you!

Support the Femboys!
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"We are all just sentient meat sacks bro"

Okay edge lord, take it down a notch.


Oh, hey, this is also really short yet also really funny (and relevant to the thread):


I wish dysphoria wasn't such a pain... seriously (yeah, I know, I'm replying to myself)!

I'm mostly water. I'm kind of almost entirely water. Biologically.

I should be properly insulted by being called a "tall water balloon". Come on. Let's be scientific here.


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But you never really know who's on the other side.
Is it a boy or a girl, or a ladyman hermaphrodite?


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I am scared of zoomers
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Presidential pets are a thing over there. Y'all have a presidential cat right now, apparently. Bill Clinton's cat almost got a video game.

Huh. I can't say I've heard about that.


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>Huh. I can't say I've heard about that.
Have you watched anything with the recent Spider-Man characters? Supposedly they're amazing films. I've actually not watched them personally.


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I saw Into the Spider-Verse but not Across. Peni Parker best girl.


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Did you learn about cosh and sech in school?
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Nope! It's sin that we learned about instead, and just cos.


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I learned about sex in school, does that count?


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So can you tell us about cosh and sinh?

I know that cos and sin are important to our general concept of Euclidean distance (cos²+sin² = 1).
Cosh and sinh are its counterparts for hyperbolic space (cosh²-sinh² = 1).
here's probably some interesting stuff to be talked about there.


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Hello everyone! I hope you are doing well this (insert time of day for you), and that the vibes are good!

It's been a while since i've done a Kaizen thread, so what better time than the present?

Kaizen is something that is mostly popular in the business world, but i was introduced to it as a way of forming healthy habits! Even a small thing like 1 minute of work towards something a day builds the habit of doing that thing stronger and better in time! it's less focused on goals and more focused on setting up the individual to attain the goals, if that makes sense!

So i'm curious!

What are your "Kaizen"s?

What are you working on?

Is there something getting in the way? and if so, what are you doing to get around it?

and i'm really curious as to if you have any personal mantra or mindset you attain before you start that works for you?
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We both know I have mostly down days


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i have to do a brief at the office, and to work on a script!

instead, i have been... i do not know! procrastinating! :c


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but you get through them to the better days, as you always have, so shall you continue to do so ^_^

you did just get back from vacation, so getting back into the rhtyhm might be hard, but you'll get to it my friend!

although if you need help, i'd be happy to offer my assistance!


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Elite four? More like Elite.. Dead..

ha got em

Ah Vega. It was fun doing a replay, but man does the game kinda suck. Well, it's mid. Even playing an edited version of the OG to be less mid and it's still so mid.

And it really sucks beacause so many of the fakemon designs are great.
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Also R'duckulus, which I forget about.

This game gave Farfetch'd an evo almost a decade before Nintendo did.

And if you ask me this guy is a thousand times better than Sirfectd in both name and design.

I mean the name is great, and is has pure power which doubles it's attack stat which is a base 75 meaning that with pure power it's base attack is really 150. Yeah. And it has a base speed of 116.

You anit beating this duck.


I have no reason to post this, but it's been in my mind for a while somehow...

^Elite Four?^
More like:
^Elite FAIL^.


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Best Elite Four member ready go.

Either Acerola or Lorelei.

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