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File: 1708998246537.png (14.1 KB, 320x224, 10:7, Wordle-Columns.png) ImgOps Google

My turn to start the next Wordle Thread.
(Thought to go for a "Columns" theme.)

🆆🅾🆁🅳🅻🅴 Thread: Revenge of Wordle
258 posts and 179 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Wordle 1,038 3/6


It feels like cheating when the final answer is something like this... an artificially generated word from the sciences... although all words are made up by somebody at some point...


File: 1713846426064.png (127.99 KB, 431x360, 431:360, sweetie123.png) ImgOps Google

Wordle 1,039 4/6




File: 1713846619024.jpg (79.41 KB, 466x417, 466:417, twi255.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Wordle 1.039 5/6



Wordle 1,040 3/6


Better than last time, I guess.


File: 1713927082540.png (71.58 KB, 500x280, 25:14, twi60.png) ImgOps Google

Wordle 1.040 3/6

That went well.


Wordle 1,041 3/6



Wordle 1,040 X/6


While my first four guesses were splendid... yeah... I'd ruled out so many letters that I basically gave up...


File: 1714021491244.jpg (35.48 KB, 543x600, 181:200, sweetie124.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Wordle 1,040 3/6


I'm late


File: 1714021645876.png (102.82 KB, 319x423, 319:423, sweetie125.png) ImgOps Google

Wordle 1,041 3/6


They took my streak away.  Guess I begin anew.


Wordle 1.041 3/6

Yes, two in a row!


Wordle 1,041 X/6


Gave up after the third guess... what a rotten word to pick...


Wordle 1,042 4/6


I would say lucky guess, but preferred if I'd guess sooner.


File: 1714100749977.png (640.6 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, twi125.png) ImgOps Google

Wordle 1.042 5/6

For heaven's sake!


File: 1714110222521.png (6.71 KB, 353x303, 353:303, Scalie_femme_smiling_by_In….png) ImgOps Google

Wordle 1,042 4/6


I did alright! Yet if I hadn't have been lucky with my third guess, frankly, I'd have felt insulted by the actual answer!


File: 1714125317678.png (98.68 KB, 264x390, 44:65, sweetie126.png) ImgOps Google

Wordle 1,042 5/6



File: 1714143031445.png (49.37 KB, 543x404, 543:404, I didn't realize you were ….png) ImgOps Google

Wordle 1,042 6/6


Puzzle #320

Strands #54
“Staff members”

I solved it in 12. Can you beat me?

Colorfle 731 6/6
My average color accuracy was 80.5%!

Colorfle 731 6/6
My average color accuracy was 80.5%!


Wordle 1,043 4/6


An animated bible story taught me this word.


File: 1714190553776.gif (9.33 MB, 845x475, 169:95, twi172.gif) ImgOps Google

Wordle 1.043 4/6

That's better.


File: 1714191130253.png (74.13 KB, 228x320, 57:80, sweetie127.png) ImgOps Google

Wordle 1,043 4/6




File: 1714196376480.png (339.15 KB, 482x525, 482:525, pinkie pie bukkake.png) ImgOps Google

Wordle 1,042 3/6


well that was a shallow and lame 3/6


File: 1714198564906.jpg (75.73 KB, 837x575, 837:575, FzkIgmbXwAUUzUp.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Wordle 1,043 3/6


shine on you crazy diamond!


Wordle 1,043 5/6


Huh... I had guessed 'plead', 'bleat', and 'fleas' before the final choice of 'gleam'... so I was oddly both lucky and unlucky... that's life...


Wordle 1,044 4/6


I may have got it in four... but I still feel made a fool of.


File: 1714278125332.png (189.88 KB, 473x333, 473:333, twi206.png) ImgOps Google

Wordle 1.044 2/6

Warrior's drink!


File: 1714279381514.png (122.74 KB, 361x404, 361:404, sweetie128.png) ImgOps Google

Wordle 1,044 4/6


Too much water


Wordle 1,045 2/6


Feels like the game owed me one.


File: 1714362958661.png (191.45 KB, 640x360, 16:9, twi23.png) ImgOps Google

Wordle 1.045 3/6

I can certainly live with that.


File: 1714366379303.jpg (645.86 KB, 1500x2287, 1500:2287, Rarity_anthro_smiling_in_a….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Wordle 1,044 4/6


How splendid! <3


File: 1714384679242.png (55.63 KB, 182x250, 91:125, sweetie129.png) ImgOps Google

Wordle 1,045 5/6


Hit trees and rocks


Wordle 1,046 5/6



Wordle 1,045 5/6


I've been watching this thing about the Soviet Union on my phone and also listening to it while doing this one, so I naturally guessed "graft" over "craft"... hehe...


File: 1714467385560.png (84.2 KB, 347x248, 347:248, sweetie130.png) ImgOps Google

Wordle 1,046 4/6


On the hunt


File: 1714480090551.gif (327.55 KB, 640x360, 16:9, twi110.gif) ImgOps Google

Wordle 1.046 5/6



Wordle 1,047 2/6


Hell yeah! Rare my gut instinct this good.


Wordle 1,046 5/6


Despite being a furry, I guessed both "proud" and "proms" before "prowl"... huh...


File: 1714538881686.png (115.12 KB, 230x423, 230:423, sweetie131.png) ImgOps Google

Wordle 1,047 3/6


Don't read it


File: 1714545521245.gif (405.49 KB, 650x720, 65:72, twi242.gif) ImgOps Google

Wordle 1.047 2/6



File: 1714605659103.jpg (73.77 KB, 850x1202, 425:601, bb6f002e6d91b8ced14bc91a63….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Wordle 1,047 4/6


i've always found this kinda funny, cause it sounds like a factory specifically for people to die in


File: 1714606057032.png (876.5 KB, 1750x1326, 875:663, futurama-suicide-booth.png) ImgOps Google


Wordle 1,048 4/6


I could've had it in three, but I couldn't cut it.


File: 1714617655458.png (770.63 KB, 911x762, 911:762, aj6.png) ImgOps Google

Wordle 1.048 3/6

One like that?


File: 1714622645183.png (93.4 KB, 343x345, 343:345, sweetie132.png) ImgOps Google

Wordle 1,048 3/6


No pineapple


File: 1714634022315.jpg (2.32 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, TwilightSparkle_reading_ne….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Wordle 1,048 4/6


I started off with the guesses "study" and "spike" in honor of MLP... after feeling the drive to do so for whatever reason... which worked out well!


Wordle 1,048 2/6


that's a good score, no matter how you cut it!

Futurama was way ahead of its time!


Wordle 1,049 3/6



File: 1714708965140.png (129.98 KB, 640x360, 16:9, twi61.png) ImgOps Google

Wordle 1.049 4/6

That would have been a two had I used my most common starting word!


Wordle 1,049 5/6


I'm not sure if I was really lucky or really unlucky at first... eh...


File: 1714768978062.png (76.64 KB, 249x349, 249:349, sweetie133.png) ImgOps Google

Wordle 1,049 3/6


Kitty name


File: 1714796727698.jpg (64.64 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, twi272.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Wordle 1.050 4/6

Good enough.


Wordle 1,050 5/6


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