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Hey everyone! Have you ever heard of "36 Questions to Fall in Love With"?

they are a series of questions that you ask your date or partner to become more vulnerable and build bonds with them, and then fall in love! How Romantic <3

now let's put those questions on a random number generator and make everyone answer in random order!

Nothing says love like asking a deep personal question that exposes vulnerability right off the bat!

(now the partner in question could be anyone, it doesn't have to be me [unless you wanna ;3], so i'll leave that one open to you to adress!)

so the rules are simple!

roll a 1d36 die, and whatever question/prompt you land on, answer or do that thing! it's super easy!

(to roll a 1d36, type <1d36> but replace the <> with [] )

okay! let's start rollin!

36 Questions to Fall in Love

1.Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?

2.Would you like to be famous? In what way?

3.Before making a telephone call, do you ever rehearse what you are going to say? Why?

4.What would constitute a "perfect" day for you?

5.When did you last sing to yourself? To someone else?

6.If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the mind or body of a 30-year-old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you want?

7.Do you have a secret hunch about how you will die?

8.Name three things you and your partner appear to have in common.

9.For what in your life do you feel most grateful?

10.If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?

11.Take four minutes and tell your partner your life story in as much detail as possible.

12.If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be?

13.If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future, or anything else, what would you want to know?

14.Is there something that you've dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven't you done it?

15.What is the greatest accomplishment of your life?

16.What do you value most in a friendship?

17.What is your most treasured memory?

18.What is your most terrible memory?

19.If you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living? Why?

20.What does friendship mean to you?

21.What roles do love and affection play in your life?

22.Alternate sharing something you consider a positive characteristic of your partner. Share a total of five items.

23.How close and warm is your family? Do you feel your childhood was happier than most other people's?

24.How do you feel about your relationship with your mother?

25.Make three true "we" statements each. For instance, "We are both in this room feeling..."

26.Complete this sentence: "I wish I had someone with whom I could share..."

27.If you were going to become a close friend with your partner, please share what would be important for them to know.

28.Tell your partner what you like about them; be very honest this time, saying things that you might not say to someone you've just met.

29.Share an embarrassing moment in your life.

30.When did you last cry in front of another person? By yourself?

31.Tell your partner something that you like about them already.

32.What, if anything, is too serious to be joked about?

33.If you were to die this evening with no opportunity to communicate with anyone, what would you most regret not having told someone? Why haven't you told them yet?

34.Your house, containing everything you own, catches fire. After saving your loved ones and pets, you have time to safely make a final dash to save any one item. What would it be? Why?

35.Of all the people in your family, whose death would you find most disturbing? Why?

36.Share a personal problem and ask your partner's advice on how they might handle it. Then, ask your partner to reflect on how you seem to be feeling about the problem you have chosen.

Now let's roll and let the love flow!!!


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1d36 = 27

i'll start!


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>27.If you were going to become a close friend with your partner, please share what would be important for them to know.

starting off strong!

i have a weird mental barrier that makes me keep people at a distance. i know how to be sociable and affable to anyone, but once we try to know eachother, i tend to be a bit more guarded. i don't want to be that way, but i have an aversion to being "stuck" or "committed" to people due to some awful relationships i had up until i was an adult.

so my one note of importance is please be patient with me. i'm not trying to keep you away, but it's my default setting and i don't want you to think you are the problem. it's my own mind that is doing this


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I'll give it a shot.
1d36 = 20


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Twilight sparkle is waiting with bated breath!


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Having allies with the mutual endeavor of happiness.


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1d36 = 33

i can vibe with that!


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oooh a heavy one

i would say my regret would to not tell my dad and friends i love them, and to share that i am a woman with them.

i haven't said anything about the second part cause i want to be self sufficient first and be on my own, so that in case anything were to happen, i wouldn't burn my bridges and be left to fend for myself


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1d36 = 13

there is some real catharsis in this yo!


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give me the future

i want to see where my life leads, and if i end up going somewhere other than where i am now


1d36 = 31


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aww so what d you like?


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1d36 = 35


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my dad, no doubt


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You always put a sincere effort in. It may not be the rarest or most difficult to attain property, but it is a very important one nonetheless, and admirable when present.

Same tbh.


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1d36 = 4

aww that's so sweet <3

i always feel like i could work harder or be better, so sometimes i feel like i'm not quite living up to my own standards. so thank you <3

unless that was directed at a different person, in which case I hope they see it, and i want to send the same good vibes to them and you!



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1d36 = 19


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A Noelle should have a smile today.


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>19.If you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living? Why?
Quit my job for sure, I have more than enough money to survive a year. Probably go see as much of the world as I could before the end. It's such a weird question, who wouldn't change their life up if they only had a year suddenly

1d36 = 11


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in the wildest form, i'd wake up and the president would have a car accident in front of my home. I run out and pull him from the wreckage, and he survives with only minor scrapes. He is grateful and I become the guy who saved the president.

I'd then be flown out to LA to interview with people about my heroic efforts, and i would downplay it cause i am extremely humble, and would fight anyone about my sheer humility, and i would maybe slip that i have always wanted to make it to la to become a writer.

then a major studio calls me and offers to pick up my spec script because "a movie written by a national hero" would be a great way to sell a film.

and thus i begin my career as a big shot hollywood screenwriter and part time hero

that would be a perfect day!

in a normal scenario tho, I'd go to denver and hang around downtown a bit, then i'd go to see a concert and have a blast until 2am ^_^

that makes sense! if you knew you only had so much time, then it really puts into perspective the fragility of life and the short amount of time we got to do those things

and i imagine there might be different types of answers like "see the world" or "spend it with my family" or "martyr myself to fight a great injustice, and not even death can stop my justice"

aww <333333 :)

>hugs <3

thank you!

and pahsiv was definitely best melusine <3


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Is many words and questions and interest you throw at people here. Selfishness easy with so much provided to make a person feel special, but specialness should be shared.


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>11.Take four minutes and tell your partner your life story in as much detail as possible.
Ummm okay. Was born the youngest of four boys. My earliest memories are of being too uncoordinated to ride a bike or catch a ball. Was an okay student, not that smart but not totally dumb. I didn't make it into the gifted program by merit, but my parents requested i was put into advance placement anyway. I did okay, I did enough to pass. Went to college, got a degree that was basically useless graduating during the great recession. Ended up being unemployed 3 years doing nothing with my life. At the same time, suddenly got a partner and my first real job. Did that for 7 years until the job became super abusive so I rage quit. Ended up getting my current job and an ADHD diagnosis. Been doing that for 4 years now. Also I have a bunny now.

1d36 = 22


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1d36 = 21

everyone deserves their time to share and be themselves <3 and you are right in that selfishness can be very easy for alot of people, and it makes it hard for people to communicate

so if i can at least give people a platform, then its worth it <3 and the same goes for you too!

that's quite the life! i find you to be one of the smartest people i know, but it's interesting that, according to you, you were not the most stellar student or worker in a lot of ways, but it eventually landed you in a very prestigious place! in a way you are living the dream in a lot of peoples eyes!

especially the bunny part! that's living all in its own!


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>22.Alternate sharing something you consider a positive characteristic of your partner. Share a total of five items.
My bunny likes to run circles around my legs
He is very cute when he flops on his side
He sometimes uses his litterbox
It's fun to watch him jumping around and running circles in the apartment
He gets super excited for dried fruit and it's adorable


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that's kinda tricky, because my relationship to love has been kinda warped and unhealthy for a while, so in a way i'm still trying to find that out myself

i would say that love to me is a giving thing, which has its inherit value because of the connection in brings and fosters. and taht also gives people the chance to give that same love and care to you to

i think so much of what i grew up was so transaction based. if i loved enough, i would get what i want. if i showed people i care, i wouldn't suffer. which is very unhealthy

i want to love because i want to love, not because i need it to feel safe or avoid pain.

he sounds like an absolute delight <3 and may we all have the patience to deal with a less than potty trained partner :PP

he is so damn cute <3


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I was a terrible student, I put in the minimum effort required to get through education, I was a straight B's kinda student, with a dash of C's and A's. I didn't like school, didn't pay attention in class, copied my friends homework every day. I don't even consider myself very smart, I struggle with learning and understanding new things. I just have a particular talent for problem solving and the resilience to keep trying things until something works.

I'm a harder worker, but I am also to stubborn about my principles and clash with my leadership and managers when I don't get my way. Didn't work great at my old job but Meta sees i produce value if they leave me to my devices so it ends up working well for me


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such a bad student! detention forever for you! /s

still that's incredible ^_^ and it definitely goes to show how much confidence and putting your foot down goes towards finding your way through life!

meta may have it's slew of problems, but there definitely is a reason why it's so large and influential, and recognizing talent and chutzpa is amongst that!


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1d10 = 2


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Hmm...I want to play but also not looking for a partner...I'll just pretend I'm answering these to my current partners ^_^

1d36 = 18

1d36 = 24


1d36 = 31


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Not applicable.


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Was hoping I wouldn't get that one... I'm actually going to take a reroll on that.

1d36 = 35

>24.How do you feel about your relationship with your mother?

Ah. Haha, these are deep questions, aren't they?

Well, it's much better now than it used to be for most of my life. She passed away when I was four, and because my family never talked about her much, I was left to come to a lot of conclusions on my own and it warped my view of her for a very long time.

For context, it was a drug overdose that she passed from and for years, literally more than twenty five years, I thought that she just didn't care enough about me and my sister to have not been careful enough and stick around. For a very long time I was neutral, but also a bit bitter. I felt as if, aure, we probably wouldn't have had a great relationship, but at least there would have been one.

There would have been a chance yo talk with her, understand her, hopefully forgive her and repair old wounds. But I never got that chance and it felt very much like she just didn't love us enough to care to give us that chance.

And then about three years ago I learned from another family member what really happened, and the circumatances surrounding why exactly she overdosed. I'll save the details, but long story short, it truly was an accident and she was not trying to kill herself. She thought she was taking a dose that her body could handle, not realizing that her tolerance to it had fizzled out, and it was too much all at once. So it truly was just an accident and she wasn't abandoning us.

Needless to say, that healed a lot of old wounds for me, some I didn't even know I had quite honestly. So I was finally able to forgive her. I love her now, understanding her better, and look forward to the day I can see her again.


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>35.Of all the people in your family, whose death would you find most disturbing? Why?

Disturbing as in, would shake me up the most? If that's the case, than my sister for sure.

I am the closest with my sister, and she had to do a lot of the parental work with me growing up, so she had the roll of older sister and mother. And we have a very good relationship in general.

It would definitely rock my boat, and I can only pray she's going to be in my life until we're both old ladies.


Wait... damn it... made a little mistake... I'll try again...

1d36 = 28


1d36 = 13


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I know who I am, I know what I am, and I know the path I'm on.
I am surrounded by people whom I adore and respect and in return love me and drive me into my perfect self.

There is nothing the ball can answer that has weight on which I do not already know.

1d36 = 2



1d36 = 12


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That I would look like Baph


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1d36 = 30


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>30.When did you last cry in front of another person? By yourself?
Last summer probably, depends if it counts if I cry while chatting with someone on discord and bring that to their attention. Then it'd be sooner. And last Wednesday for latest cry.

1d36 = 32


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>32.What, if anything, is too serious to be joked about?
I wouldn't joke about rape, I can't think of any good jokes that come from rape.

1d36 = 34


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1d36 = 6


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>If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the mind or body of a 30-year-old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you want?

What, am I guaranteed to get dementia if I keep the 30 year old body? Do I stop developing as a person if I take the mind?


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>34.Your house, containing everything you own, catches fire. After saving your loved ones and pets, you have time to safely make a final dash to save any one item. What would it be? Why?
If I don't have my phone in your scenario then I take my phone. I have so many pictures I couldn't replace on here. That makes me think I really should back them up.

1d36 = 6


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>6.If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the mind or body of a 30-year-old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you want?
Body of a 30yo sounds like a good deal. I'll have the mind of a 12yo my whole life anyway!

1d36 = 28


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>28.Tell your partner what you like about them; be very honest this time, saying things that you might not say to someone you've just met.
Okay, so I really like when you flop on your side and lay by my feet. It's really super cute! Pictures can't convey how cute he is


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1d36 = 10


I'm not sure who my "partner" ought to be for this answer, really!

I want to say something about my long-distance girlfriend, even if she's likely never going to read this, in that I admire her determination and strength of character in trying to be her true self despite facing such tough life circumstances for years and years. She's also witty and insightful in a way that she may not truly understand either.


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that's fine! you can always reroll ^_^

yeah, these questions are meant to "deepen emotional bonds" so they get a bit deep!

and i'm sorry what happened with your mom, but i'm glad you found some closure later in life. it's sad what happened, but the peace it brought must have been so cathartic

you and your sister will be the mischievous old ladies in the home that still cause pranks and cut loose on the dance floor until the sciatica kicks in!

i'm glad you have such a clear vision dawn! i wish i had your confidence ><

didn't you want to start a youtube channel?

you're already hot, but a little demon spice would be nice ^_^

it's good to get a cry out, and friends that will listen when you need it <3

i absolutely agree, there just isn't anything salvageable about it

interpret it however you wish! i didn't create the question :P

cloud storage is a life saver!

i like the way you think! just make sure to keep up your health and artistic endeavors to keep the mind fresh!

just a little angle that pooped in the corner ^_^

aww that's so sweet <3

you could always copy paste that to your long distance girlfriend, if you feel like it ^_^


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>cloud storage is a life saver!

1d36 = 26


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1d36 = 30

believe it or not, i strangely relate to this! not as a programmer/engineer/security tech gal, but as a writer animator

i barely've watched any shows or movies in a long ass time, outside of hazbin hotel of course

i get so many people asking me "hey have you watched the new last airbender? hey have you seen dune chapter 2?" like bruh! i've not seen the first one yet!

i wonder what the statistics of professionals are in the same situation as us?


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ooh it was 2 years ago, my friend and i were watching 300 years of beating slimes, and the episode with Kuku, the rabbit bard who played death metal, was being coached into helping her station in life and about to perform a concert

and i cried, cause i resonated with her so damn much in that moment, as somebody chasing a dream, falling on my face so many times, but still going, i wanted her to have this moment <3

and as for myself... well i looked up this video and i'm now tearing up as i type this T_T



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>26.Complete this sentence: "I wish I had someone with whom I could share..."
this bag of Trader Joe's imitation Takis with while cuddling and watching a movie together.

The more you work with something, the more the magic of it is stripped away. Or something like that

1d36 = 30


1d36 = 31 reroll


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>31.Tell your partner something that you like about them already.
He has a really cute butt


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Hoo boy, here goes nothing

1d36 = 6


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i feel like the magic is still there for me in a "oh that's clever, and that's really freaking cool" way. plus i strangely find myself more lenient towards movies and shows, cause i know how insanely hard they are to make, i can't help but feel that each one that makes it to my screen is a small miracle

that being said, i am in "work mode", cause i am counting off the beats, noticing the small details that turn into big pivotal moments, and can read the ending to something from a mile away. i often only get it wrong if the film is so good that it subverted my expectations, or so bad that they missed their own set up somehow, and i get a kick out of it

but it can be a bit exhausting sometimes

i should start a review channel, but not one that makes a score, but rather highlights things that i see in shows and movies that tickle my brain wrinkles

you are correct

that is a very cute butt!

i hope you have fun andrea <3

and if at any point you don't wanna answer, that's okay. this is just meant to be an interesting fun little thread


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>6.If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the mind or body of a 30-year-old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you want

This is genuinely an extremely difficult question given that I am a middle aged trans woman only a little over a year into transition. On the one hand I desperately desire to be young enough to be able to, uh ... have babies, but at the same time I've always been kinda deathly afraid of suffering from dementia, which killed my grandmother in such a way that was hugely traumatic for a lot of us in the family when it started all the way till it ended. Plus, the thing about myself I always valued most was my mind.... So I can't really answer this question.

1d36 = 15


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>15.What is the greatest accomplishment of your life?

Uh ... I want to say earning a bachelor's in Computer Science, but that kinda feels more like a curse at this point given all the downsides of it.

I guess I might say my own personal greatest accomplishment (that plenty of other people might treat like some sort of crime) was coming out of the closet to my family about being transgender and losing no one in the process, unlike so many others I know and have known. But that's hard to think of as an accomplishment since it feels more like a lucky gamble rather than an accomplishment.

1d36 = 30


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>30.When did you last cry in front of another person? By yourself?

I cried yesterday morning when having an appointment with my therapist. I was talking about how much I miss my family back in Texas and how part of me wishes to go back there since no one I know here in California has ever shared any bit of the first 30 years of my life with me and I have no other family here ... but I am in no position to move back there anytime soon given my medical needs and my current lack of good employer health insurance ... and also the fact that the political landscape there has been totally fucked by fearmongering over the existence of people like myself that I would essentially have to live like a refugee in my own home state. Like, I know we're not supposed to talk about politics here but when the attorney general of your own homestate is on a quest to subpoena medical providers all over the country for records of any current or former resident of Texas who has received gender affirming care from out of state all while making it clear they want to make it a crime, it feels like you've lost everyone you've loved. Plus it makes you feel like everything you ever hated about your home, the people who explicitly make it clear you're not welcome despite it being your own fucking home have finally won.

The last time I cried by myself was writing the paragraph above this sentence


d36 = 10



Oh BOY let's not touch that one. Seriously, let us not.

d36 = 36



I don't actually have a partner soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo perhaps I should have read the options before rolling huh.


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Probably a bad idea but I've recovered so ...

1d36 = 34


1d36 = 3


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>3.Before making a telephone call, do you ever rehearse what you are going to say? Why?


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Fuck it, I hit edit and update too many times, I'll just choose these questions myself

>5.When did you last sing to yourself? To someone else?

I sing to myself daily, singing is like one of my favorite things in life. Last night I was listening to Simon & Garfunkel's final album, Bridge Over Troubled Water and singing along with the title track ( https://youtu.be/4G-YQA_bsOU?si=65zRqySJkqyLUq27 ). All while thinkibg about my mother since this month will be the fourth birthday since she passed away and I was thinking about her favorite music that I grew up with and how it had been nearly two decades since I last listened to Bridge. I remembered every word of the song despite having not heard it in nearly 20 years. It was cathartic to sing along and reminisce on what role my mother and her love for this kind of music played in leading me to discovering my own passion for music, as well as thinking about my mother's love for folk, folk-rock and singer-songwriters had a huge influence on my love for the same.

Last time I sang "for" anyone was when I went to a karaoke bar with a friend a couple of months ago and decided to sing in front of everyone, to further desensitize myself to stage fright. And I chose to sing Don't Look Back in Anger to demonstrate that I am actually really good at singing that song in particular. ( https://youtu.be/ccJzB-N75W8?si=S9q_pqkxO15Rqt_- )


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>10.If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?
I think probably not moving us to a drastically different environment mid puberty (Southern California to middle of nowhere). My sister dealt with it a lot better than I did because she's always been the social butterfly while I felt extremely isolated and struggled for a long time.

1d36 = 36


For educational purposes.
I never want to be famous.


Sure thing, imma answer some questions to fall in platonic friendship with

1d36 = 6



>6.If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the mind or body of a 30-year-old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you want?
Dementia or Alzheimers are some of the saddest and scariest things I can imagine happening to anyone.


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1d36 = 8

I think I might just do that!

Thanks for the kind words!


>36.Share a personal problem and ask your partner's advice on how they might handle it. Then, ask your partner to reflect on how you seem to be feeling about the problem you have chosen.
I'm not currently in a relationship, and my issues either have an obvious solution that personality gets in the way of, or are too abstract to ask in public without talking about private stuff.
Can I reroll?


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it is a tossup, and i have my own thoughts, but i'm gonna wait till i roll it myself

we're a couple of bachelors! you in computer science, and me in digital film and media arts ^_^

coming out is never easy, and so when i hear stories about it, regardless of outcome, i am always so damn proud of them. so i'm just so damn proud for you too <3

it must be so hard to be so distant from family and friends back home, but it's too dangerous to go back for very serious reasons. i don't ever want to go to texas or florida myself, and am grateful i don't have a reason to. but people who are connected by various reasons to those areas, it's just heartbreaking... i'm so sorry andrea :(

it is a bit different. these are questions developed to be vulnerable. so i don't blame you or anyone if you skip stuff and reroll!

you seem like the type who doesn't need to, cause you say what you say and mean what you mean!

many would be jealous of such a talentt <3

we should do a karaoke night on /pony/! that would be so much fun <3

that does sound like a rough time, especially going from SoCal to the midwest

now i'm biased cause i wanna live in socal, but the midwest is a mixed bag on a very flat and empty place

true true, but you still want people to see it right?

which means you want at least a modicum of noteriety, right?

i have my own thoughts on this, but i'm waiting till i roll it for myself

but it is scary! as somebody who teaches classes in a memory care center, i've seen people with alzheimers and dimensia and it's just awful to watch them slowly fade

reroll as many times as you like <3


Aight, rolling again then

1d36 = 12

Thankfully i have not seen it in action myself, but just the stories I hear from  some family members are terrifying and sad.


>12.If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be?
Work ethic. The ability to actually set a schedule, follow it, work on my projects without constantly hating myself and being convinced it won't be good anyway and actually be courageous enough to do the shit I want.

But you know what they say, wish in one hand, shit in the other...


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More or less.


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1d36 = 30

well make sure to exercise, eat healthy, and practice artistic endeavors. all have a very positive effect on mental health, including reducing your chances at alzheimers and dimensia

you should shit in the toilet, not in the hand :PP


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already answered that! reroll!

1d36 = 5


i sing to myself all the time! i often get animated with it too ^_^

i've been periodically singing Jack Black's version of Baby One More Time all day today!

and i don't care if others are listening to me, so i sang in front of my friend yesterday too!

i still dream of finding myself in a disney style musical


oh i forgot to roll!

1d36 = 16


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unconditional acceptance of your friends uniqueness

i mean obviously there are limits, but the joy of life is in our differences and our quirks, not in our conformity!

1d36 = 36


Well, both of the former are stuff I am shit at, but at least I do the latter sometimes.

Actually, I have occasionally found myself theorizing that, given most of us have grown up with a lot more options in terms of stimulating or entertaining ourselves via media or hobbies at home, we might see a decrease in the sort of dementia that seems to come with basically just becoming utterly inactive.

Just a silly thought, but it's been on my mind once or twice.

>Shit in the toilet
Preposterous, get out of here with your avant-garde nonsense


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1d36 = 30

probably how to be more vulnerable and to allow my walls to break down for actual human connection

actually you are spot on with that! in my sociology statistics class, i actually did a project on seniors, and it's precisely that sort of thing of lack of mobility, energy, connectivity, and activity that further isolates and accelerates many issues they face. there is actual data to back up that seniors suffer in many ways beyond just physical because of that. that is why i'm a huge proponent of healthy and active senior living facilities, so that they have a thriving community well into their golden years

and you should try it, plus the bakc part is perfect for doing homework and eating lunch!


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dammit i'm not gonna cry more! reroll!

1d36 = 26


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1d36 = 30

tickets to a metal show with!


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god fucking damnit!

1d36 = 14


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move to LA

i haven't done it cause i don't got the money for it yet!

1d36 = 34


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my portable hardrive with all my project files on it!

1d36 = 36


It was always one of my thoughts. I mean obviously, some of it is straight up disease that you can't do much about, but it seems like a lot of it comes from just... being dumped in a room with nothing to fucking do. Or the kind of elderly that just live alone in some screwoff part of town and have no hobbies to live with. Then you get that story where a guy bought his homebound grandmother a GameCube and gave her Animal Crossing and it like, visibly improved her mental health just to have that bit of simulated social life and something to interact with and keep her occupied.

So who knows. Maybe things will get better for a lot of us when we get to that age than they were before given we are much more used to keeping ourselves engaged. That is, if we don't just overstimulate ourselves instead.

Anyway, imma go sleep now and answer more random questions in the morning.

>Singing to yourself
I definitely did not do that while sketching today no sirree

Also this just proves Hit Me Baby One More Time was always kind of a banger.


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already got that one, so reroll!

1d36 = 28

oh yeah, i have no doubt that animal crossing helped her out, cause it's filled with all sorts of things for her to do. the brain, like any part of the body, is meant to do things, so if you are understimulated, it's gonna start slowing down.

so in a weird way, we as a species might age with a much more healthy active mind, but that might be countered by a more sedintary lifestyle :PP

>hugs <3

goodnight my friend!

and i've always been a Britney fan, so Jack Black singing Hit Me Baby One More Time was a guaranteed success to me!


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i don't have a partner, so i'll just adress everyone

you are all wonderful in your fun and quirky ways! my hope is that you never give up the good stuff about you and you blossom into the most wonderful versions of you possible!

1d36 = 1


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that's a tricky one, cause there could be so many people i would wanna chat with at a dinner party <3

so call it cheating, but I will choose Dawn!

cause i imagine she's the one who cooked the meal, and i've been dying to try her food FOREVERRRRRRRR!

plus it will be wonderful to finally meet in person <3

1d36 = 25


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uhh... how do i do this one?

we are getting to know eachother

we are taking a little time off from our day to do this activity

we are the eyes of God observing itself!

last one!

1d36 = 18


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content warning: heavy and depressing stuff

probably the 2 months leading up to the day my mom died

i found her on the floor, unable to get up one day. i helped her onto the bed, and got her some food and water. she was drunk again, and her body wasted away so much she had trouble walking

i got so upset, i made an ultimatum with her, that she needs to go see the doctor, and I would not speak with her until she did.

she yelled, she screamed, she tried to break my TV, but couldn't really move it to do so. She threatened to kick me out of the house, but i wasn't budging on my position.

after 5 weeks of me refusing to talk to her, and her just breaking down. she finally acquiesced and went to see a doctor about her health.

i did it, i made her go to the doctor. and i hoped that this was the beginning of her getting her health back to at least a tolerable level, so i didn't have to find her unable to move on the floor ever again.

a couple weeks later, on October 23rd, 2013. I woke up to see flashing red and blue lights on my ceiling

i got up, and wandered into the kitchen, where i saw paramedics and police officers moving through the house. my dad was sitting and crying at the table with a emergency grief counselor.

I asked them what was going on, and my dad, through tears, said that my mom was gone.

i looked up into the hallway that lead to their bedroom, and i saw her body on the floor. only for a second, but that second has been seared into my mind since that day.

the one thing i wanted more than anything was to see her get better. the one thing i kept silent for for many weeks to force her to see a doctor, and it wasn't enough...

i had a couple voice mail messages on my phone... i deleted them, cause i knew that if i held onto them, i'd probably would obsess over them and not move on.

i'd argue that parts of  me still havent moved on from that moment


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1. Dawn.
2. No.
4. Winning the lotto.
5. A while ago.
6. Body.
7. Heart Attack.
8. Not Applicable.
9. My house.
10. More money invested in stocks.
11. Not Applicable.
12. Flight.
13. Nothing.
14. Not really.
15. My house.
16. Trust.
17. A Fishing trip.
18. Death of a loved one.
19. I'd eat more and drink more.
21. None, currently.
22. Not Applicable.
23. It isn't. It was more privileged than most.
24. Good as it's going to get.
25. Not Applicable.
26. Distance with.
27. Not Applicable.
28. Not Applicable.
29. No.
30. A while ago.
31. Not Applicable.
32. Nothing.
33. Not having a will. Lazy.
34. Coin collection.
35. Not Applicable.
36. Not Applicable.


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1d36 = 14

Eastern Washington, not the Midwest, but it probably doesn't make much of a difference. I've always heard people talk about how rural areas are more close knit communities, but I had the opposite experience. I didn't exactly live in a huge city in Cali but it was a decent sized one, and it seemed like everyone on the street knew and talked to almost everyone else. In the place that we moved to, that wasn't the case, and it felt isolating, even for a lifelong introvert like me. There was only two other people my age on the street, and one of them was kind of an asshole. The rest of the people on the street were all seniors who never seemed to leave their houses and whose kids and grandkids moved away a while ago.

I'm really sorry for your loss man. I know from experience that losing a loved one to addiction is really hard.


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>14.Is there something that you've dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven't you done it?
I've fantasized about going on a cross country bike trip since around middle school, but now I'm busy with school and work. Now that I have an e-bike, I'm planning on going on longer and longer rides when it gets a little warmer, and maybe I'll finally get around to it when I graduate.

1d36 = 30


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ohh, i saw "middle of nowhere" and my brain autocorrected to "midwest", which is typically accurate.

and i know what you mean, i too live in a small town, and it's a great town if you are a conservative christian that loves to hunt and fish. but i'm neither conservative, nor christian, and i don't hunt or fish or do any sort of outdoor thing aside from hiking and running from time to time. on top of being genderfluid and pansexual, it's hard to relate to people here. so i feel your pain in that sense. it sucks when you feel more alien with your neighbors than people on the other side of the planet

and thanks... it's been 11 years, so i'm feeling better, but i still have moments ://

ooh! that sounds like fun! i would love to do a crosscountry trip like that too!

word of warning though, the midwest is extremely boring, regardless of where you are in it, so be prepared for a very boring ride at that point. but you'll do great!



I know this feeling too well

I... often felt like so many things were unfinished and I felt ... alone in my own family grieving my dad's passing, feeling like I was the only person who loved him when he finally passed. I wanted to fix him and then repair the relationship he had with everyone else ... but I ran out of time. And, the fact he couldn't just pass on his own, that he needed us to pull the plug left me struggling with feeling like, even though it was part of his final wishes, it still felt like .... murder

I struggled with flashbacks to witnessing his passing for nearly a decade, and I still struggle with it.

I still feel incredibly lonely with it and in the years since all I ever hear from my siblings is how they're more relieved he's gone than anything else ... and I can't even express the depths of loneliness that makes me feel


Well I guess it might be a slight exaggeration to say middle of nowhere since its kinda sorta near a decent sized city (about 45 minutes to an hour drive) but it's closer to North Idaho, which sorta makes it middle of nowhere by default. And yeah, I'm not a conservative Christian either and while I was a boy scout (achieved the rank of Eagle too) and have gone camping plenty of times and usually enjoyed it, my peers at the time acted like I was some kind of freak because I had never gone hunting and wasn't all that interested in doing so. I guess it's probably a good thing I didn't come out of the closet until shortly before moving away. That would have been hell in middle school.
>and thanks... it's been 11 years, so i'm feeling better, but i still have moments ://
Same here. I just try to remember the good things about my dad and look past his flaws.
>ooh! that sounds like fun! i would love to do a crosscountry trip like that too!
My plan is to do something kinda like what Mk17 did, visiting online friends all around the place, but by bike instead of car.
>word of warning though, the midwest is extremely boring, regardless of where you are in it, so be prepared for a very boring ride at that point. but you'll do great!
Of course, that's why they call it flyover country :P


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it's a brutally shitty feeling when you feel like you are the only one trying to save somebody you love, and when it fails, and all that effort goes up in smoke... i wouldn't wish that feeling on anyone ever... i'm so sorry you had to experience that with your father.

my mom was never in a hospital bed with a plug to pull. but when you say that your action to pull the plug felt like murder, i can't help but think of all the times i wished my mom had died leading up to that point, "if she was gone, then i wouldn't have to suffer her emotional abuse, her drunk tyrades, none of it anymore"

and then i would be so horrified that i wished death on my own mother. i don't think most people truly understand what it's like to want a loved one gone, but i don't wish that on anyone. and then when it did happen, i felt such immense guilt... i got what i wanted in the end...

i don't know what kind of relationship your father had with others, but you wanted him to get better and to pull around. he left the world with that, and i think you are a beautiful person for doing that much for him, even if it feels like it blew up in your face.

you aren't alone in that pain. mine maybe a different flavor, but i see a lot of the same pain and baggage, and i see you with it, just like i see me. you are not alone...

you got farther than me in boy scouts. i lasted a month, and after i had a panic attack during a winter cabin retreat, i dropped out of it immediately :P

and coming out in middle school seems like a death sentence, so i don't blame you at all for staying in the closet about that! i didn't come out until highschool, and even then it was a ballsy ass move

and i try to understand my mom, she was in pain, and self medicated, and had her own traumatic backstory, but i also honor the part of me that hates her for what she did to me. it's complicated and messy, and i just to have to accept that is how it has to be...

sorry about your dad though, it's always rough losing somebody, regardless of the pain they put you through.

sounds like an awesome plan! you gonna vlog it?

heh, i've only flown over it once to go to North Carolina, but i've driven through it dozens of times. and I-70 through Kansas is the most mind numbingly boring thing you'll ever experience

if you go through nebraska tho, omaha actually kicks ass! i'd recommend


>you got farther than me in boy scouts. i lasted a month, and after i had a panic attack during a winter cabin retreat, i dropped out of it immediately :P
That's somewhat understandable, going on a winter campout as your first experience would be rough. That said, if you ever get the chance, I definitely recommend trying out igloo/snow mound camping sometime. It's a lot warmer and comfier than you'd think
>and coming out in middle school seems like a death sentence, so i don't blame you at all for staying in the closet about that! i didn't come out until highschool, and even then it was a ballsy ass move
To be honest, I was also deeply in denial. When I came out to my mom, I got the impression that she figured out that I was bisexual before I did.
>and i try to understand my mom, she was in pain, and self medicated, and had her own traumatic backstory, but i also honor the part of me that hates her for what she did to me. it's complicated and messy, and i just to have to accept that is how it has to be...
Exactly. Celebrating their good traits and fond memories of them doesn't necessarily mean denying that their flaws existed.
>sounds like an awesome plan! you gonna vlog it?
I've thought about what I'll do to chronicle it, assuming I'll do so at all. I've never been much of a diary writer but that's probably mainly because I've never felt like there was much to write about that would be meaningful to me or to others later on. But maybe with this, while I probably wouldn't do a vlog (I've always been camera shy), maybe if I find a story that others might find meaning in, I'll try my hand at gonzo journalism, Hunter S Thompson style (but probably not loaded up on psychedelics)
>heh, i've only flown over it once to go to North Carolina, but i've driven through it dozens of times. and I-70 through Kansas is the most mind numbingly boring thing you'll ever experience
Yeah, it sounds like it. I'll have to find something there to look forward to


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i appreciate the thought, but i'm not a fan of camping in general, but i have mad respect for people that do it recreationally!

heh, i had a similar thing with my dad. he gave me the "it's okay if your gay talk" cause i haven't had a girlfriend, but that was more of me just being socially awkward and social outcast

ooh a gonzo style biking vlog would be awesome! especially if you run into a motorcycle gang and become an honorary member with an enterage through south dakota XDD


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>Midwest boring
Minnesota and the Dakotas are beautiful. While not in the Midwest, Tennesseeis also really pretty mixed with the depression of poverty.

The east is horrible urban sprawl.


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Damn you're really going off with these! Went from 10 to 36! Let's give it a spin I guess!

1d36 = 20


>i can't help but think of all the times i wished my mom had died leading up to that point, "if she was gone, then i wouldn't have to suffer her emotional abuse, her drunk tyrades, none of it anymore"

I know this feeling too. Sometimes I wanted to save everyone else in my family from my dad ... and wished he was dead. He traumatized all of us with his violence, especially when he was drunk. He traumatized all of us, and set me and my brother against each other cause I wasn't getting it as bad as him, and looking back on it, I wouldn't have had nearly as distant a relationship as I have with my brother, and deep down somewhere I still feel bitter at my dad in all the ways he fucked us both up to the point we're both barely functional.

It wasn't until I learned more about my dad's past that I saw myself becoming like him and I changed significantly while fixing my relationship with him (after both my aiblings moved out). He was full of regret cause he knew it was his own fault my siblings hated him.

To this day I still have dreams where I'm having a screaming match with him and imaging all the ways traumatic events could have gone differently, with me enacting violence against him ... and sometimes screaming at him about how I'm glad he's dead, which always ruins my day when I wake up


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I had a very long conversation about this a couple weeks ago and it taught me one thing.

I do not have a good explanation for this question. Friendship is a very weird thing for me, because I have trauma from childhood related to friendship. It's a nebulous concept. There are levels to it.

Too complicated! Next!

1d36 = 6


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So I live over the age of 90 and I either get the mind OR body of a 30 year old?

I guess I'd prefer the body of one? I already hate how painful life is for me at 26, I would rather freeze that in time. I'm sure my mind won't be that bad at that age.

Let's do one more for now

1d36 = 21


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This is a weird question.

I mean... love plays an integral role in my life. It is, as the great rapper Jake Paul once said, every day, bro.

Affection... depends on if it's physical or not. Physical? Not a very big role. And that's good for me, I don't like being physical. Emotional or Mental affection, like words and stuff? Definitely a much bigger role. I am very vocally (or textually I suppose) affectionate with people, and I like for people to be the same way with me.

But basically, to close this out: A life without love is not a life worth living.


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you are absolutely correct that minnesota and the dakotas are beautiful in various areas, but you must also admit that there is a lot of open nothingness in a lot of it too.

i've never been to tennessee myself, so i can't speak on its behalf

i also enjoy chicago when i see family, but the drive there is so flat ><

yeah, i definitely feel all that, and i hope that things are at least becomeing easier for you over time regarding that guilt and shame

i still have nightmares where my mom is alive, and i wake up and realize she's gone, and i'm equal parts relieved and ashamed...

to be fair, they aren't my questions, i took them from a famous 36 questionaire thingie :PP

maybe the real friends are the friends we made along the way?

youth is a precious resource!

i love that answer <3


>i appreciate the thought, but i'm not a fan of camping in general, but i have mad respect for people that do it recreationally!
Fair enough, to each their own. To be honest, I haven't actually gone camping since around 2010, when I was still involved in scouting.
>heh, i had a similar thing with my dad. he gave me the "it's okay if your gay talk" cause i haven't had a girlfriend, but that was more of me just being socially awkward and social outcast
I had the same talk with my mom and for the same reason. My dad was a bit more distant, though he eventually was accepting about it.
>ooh a gonzo style biking vlog would be awesome! especially if you run into a motorcycle gang and become an honorary member with an enterage through south dakota XDD
Probably not a vlog, maybe just a book. Or a blog I guess.
I've also been wanting to get into amateur radio. I dunno if that could be integrated somehow.


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Stealing???? Straight to jail!

>maybe the real friends are the friends we made along the way?
You know, I think that's true.

>i love that answer <3


1d36 = 35


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Starting out heavy, huh?

Probably my dad's. I don't think I was ever particularly close to anybody else and he basically used to be my best friend.


1d36 = 13


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Oh cool! My favorite number.

I would not want to know anything :)

It's no good, knowing the future.

1d36 = 7


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Hmmm... some kind of health issue probably. I don't know what, but I just don't really take good care of myself.

1d36 = 34


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My computer tower. Like I have a lot of sentimental stuff in my room, but in the end most of it can be replaced fairly easily. Some of the stuff I have saved on my computer can never be recovered.

hahaha which means I should probably back it all up online somehow.

1d36 = 5


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Like the great rapper Jake Paul once said: It's every day bro.

I sing out loud whenever I listen to music lol which is almost every day.

I never sing to other people, fuck that noise.


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I'd say the emptiness is a feature. Huge open prairies further south or forests in the north. There's nothing quite like a sunset over the flowing waves of prarie grass.

On long trips, even farms are fun. You can gauge the relative fortune of places based on how good each region's crops are developing.


1d36 = 16


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>16.What do you value most in a friendship?

I'm not sure really. I suppose respect? They need to be someone I can respect and see as worth my time.


1d36 = 32


>32.What, if anything, is too serious to be joked about?

Nothing. Absolutely nothing. And I mean that sincerely.

However, there is a time and a place for certain things, and there is such a thing as knowing your audience.

There's a VERY big difference between being in the privacy of your own home on your couch with a few friends that know when you are kidding and what yours and their own limits are, and sitting outside in front of a café loudly yelling things that any random passerby will hear.

I am by no means fussy with the jokes I make online, but I can assure you that me and a friend of mine on my couch watching a dumb movie will probably say things I would NEVER say in a YouTube video, especially since my YouTube videos aren't skits where I have a very clear-cut character to perform through.

None of that means I or my friends endorse the dark subject matter we joke about - the funny parts are the absurdity of the things, not the things themselves.

I believe humor is essential to survival. The world is too big, dark and complicated for us to handle it without allowing ourselves to laugh every now and then, even at the darker things that happen.

For example, Denmark has comedy events that are specifically designed for parents with terminally ill children - where joking about the situation is actively encouraged, because while the situation is obviously horrible, lighting the pressure a little goes a long way in making it bearable. And you better believe that for any dark joke being told, these comedians take doing this EXTREMELY seriously. It is not a job anyone takes lightly.

On the flipside, while you as a person are entitled to your own standards and your own ideas of what is and isn't acceptable, you are not necessarily owed everyone else catering to them. If a TV show or a stand-up comedian makes a joke you don't like (and here we are assuming said joke isn't made with the deliberate intention to cause actual harm) you can absolutely both dislike it and voice that - but you have no right to tell them they can't make that stuff to begin with. It may well be their way of dealing with things that just happen to be different from yours.

When you watch a show, or go to a performance or whatever, that's THEIR craft, and your ticket is not a proof of ownership, it's an entrance slip. You're paying for the privilige to hear what they have to say - you aren't hiring them to say whatever you just decided you want to hear but also never actually told anyone and just expect them to know instinctively.

The world is huge and complex. And so is every single of the billions of people on it. We're never gonna please absolutely everybody, and nobody is ever going to be able to please us 100% of the time. You're going to have to find your own way to deal with these things, and accept that other people have theirs.

And if we could all manage to do that, while respectfully just removing ourselves from the things that upset us without feeling the need to force it to become a gigantic culture war based entirely on our own sensibilities, we'd all be better off.


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>30.When did you last cry in front of another person? By yourself?
To be honest, I don't really remember. I seem to have inherited my dad's stoicism, for better or worse. That's not to say that I never feel sad though.

1d36 = 15


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>15.What is the greatest accomplishment of your life?
I'm not sure. When I was younger, I might have said "earning the rank of Eagle Scout", but as time goes on I feel like that holds less meaning for me. I still value the lessons I learned and the memories I have from scouting in general, but the rank itself doesn't mean as much to me now.
So now I guess I would say that creating gochan is my greatest accomplishment

1d36 = 33


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1d16 = 5

Somebody forgot they rolled, huh?


>5.When did you last sing to yourself? To someone else?
To myself? Friggin' earlier today. Just yesterday I was loudly singing along to random shit on my Spotify while I was drawing.

I do that a lot and do enjoy it, yet have never actually had any real singing training, much as i enjoy music. Would be nice to at least not feel like I am butchering stuff i love when I sing along.

also man, remember when we had Vocaroo threads?


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1. Tracer, Moony, Navi.
2. Answered
3. No, I am rather direct in professional calls or calling a service line.
4. Being fed bonbons while watching movies.
5. To myself idk, we sang happy birthday to a coworker.
6. Mind.
7. Kidney failure
8. We fall into senior roles at work easy, we are snarky AF, big pp energy.
9. Wheat
10. Nothing.
11. Nah
12. I touch a cookbook and know how to make everything perfectly without reading.
13. Answered
14. Open a restaurant m, soon.
15. Chef
16. Honesty and communication
17. Seeing Wheat eat my cooking for the first time.
18. Waking up after ODing
19. I would go met everyone and give them one of my y knives.
20. People that want the best for the other and try and bring out the best in them.
21. I am made of love.
22. Everything.
23. Not talking about.
24. :fluf3:
25. We are both breathing manually, we are both swallowing, we both feel an itch on our thigh.
26. Ice cream.
27. I eat snails.
28. Everything
29. My pants split open in the middle of service and everyone saw my ass.
30. Last time Wheat was leaving. Yesterday.
31. Everything.
32. Nothing
33. "You are a leech that preys on the desperate and you prove there is no god for if there is he would smite you." I'm not gonna crash family gatherings.
34. Family cookbook.
35. Wheat and Lina
36. No.


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Damn... so many unfortunate things being discussed in this chat related to family issues... not sure what at all to say... best wishes to everybody, of course...

1d36 = 25

Oh, we're extremely similar in a lot of ways. My long-term girlfriend and I are both transgender. We're both bisexual. We're both furries. We're both incredibly into Zootopia. We both have fursonas that we adore. We both have the same or similar kinks in a lot of ways as well. I can go on.

Here's us together:


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1d36 = 12

if you release an audio book, i'll gladly pick it up and give it a listen!

nah warden! i've done my dime! i'm on the straight and narrow!

in your infinite wisdom, please let me free!

i relate to this, my dad is very much my friend as well

you'll reach the future on your own time!

if you want to practice some tai chi or kung fu, i'd help you out!

the cloud is a life saver!

sing your heart out!

hey, i'm glad you enjoy that, and i do remember some pretty evenings coming home from seeing family. just not my cup of tea, but i do respect the tranquility and agriculture!

respect is very important

i don't think anything can be built without respect

being a comedian is being on the front line in the zeitgeist

never knowing which step will blow up in their face

but stepping forward anyways...

what is a gochan? is that like an image board?

ah yes! i loved thos vocaroo threads! it would be fun to see those again <3

yay <3

may your kidneys be blessed by the kidney gods!!!

>being fed bonbons while watching a movie

aww that sounds lovely <3

oof, i had my pants split open to before. i had to waddle like a penguin for the rest of the day!

awww <3


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mastery over Blender would be so dope!


So long as I have a roof so to do you.

I've got like another 30 in the tank.

With many pillows and worship.

I go commando always


1d36 = 6


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1d36 = 4

you absolutely deserve to be worshipped for like 100 years!

and feel the breeze between the knees ;3


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already answered this one!

1d36 = 6


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I agree but my saying that was more to express the extent of how much of a dinner and show people got.

Also I love that Charlie redesign


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ah finally! i have a very clear answer for this one!

I would choose Body, and here's why

mind and body are not 2 different things, they are one in the same, and an effect on one effects the other. if one exersises and stretches and meditates, their mind benefits. if they eat garbage and lay around, then the mind suffers.

if the body stays young and healthy for the remainder of ones life? that is HUGE because of not only that health part of being able to regularly exersise and gain maximum benefit from good diet and practice, but also the social aspects as well

cause as one ages, the less they can do physically. they can't play rough, they can't party as much, they lose stamina in social settings a lot faster. and this is a trend that only worsens as one gets older, until they can barely leave home anymore if at all.

now this is somewhat mitigated by senior homes, providing a community for the elders that allows them to maintain social connections and exersise and diet for a while. but eventually that deteriorates into assisted living, then to intensive care, and then hospice. and that's assuming some other thing like heart attacks or a stroke or something doesn't take you out first.

we accept aging and death because it's natural and everyone will go through it, but if you look at it objectively, it's a terrible thing for anyone to go through under other circumstances. and having clarity through that may make it more tolerable, but it's gonna catch up to you

now if you have a healthy body, i would argue the mind will stay on par with your body. it will be worked out, it will be able to keep up momentum, and it will have a lot of the same upkeep that it has now or when you were younger

i am not a brain specialist, so i don't know if the brain itself will do things that is seperate of the body, and i can see somebody still get dimensia and alzheimers. but i think that would drastically reduce simply because your mind will be much more active for much longer for much more sustained moments at a time! plus your quality of life will just be better way over all, especially with the ability to just be social all you want, and to be just as rough and tumble in 50 years as you are now!

so i would choose body. i would want my health and to feel good in my body  well into my twilight years, to not fear falling, heart attack, or strokes or other degenerative things to the body. and i'd trust that would help my brain stay in tip top shape as well!

and if it doesn't, then i would be the easiest to manage dimensia patient int he memory care, and if i fall, nobody will worry that i broke a hip, or a shoulder, and that would be great for all of us!

hehehe, thou has class and thou has ass ;33

and isn't she cute? i found this redesign on twitter, and giving her more goat features is a lot of fun!

1d36 = 35


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Honestly I don't even know how good a dementia patient with a fit body would be. Like you said, sure you wouldn't be worried about broken bones from short falls, but on the other in that state you could become violent. The only solace I had when my mother started hitting the doctors and nurses was that she was too weak to really hurt them.

Not to mention the loss of your identity. Peeled away like an onion until you yourself have nothing left but a loose impression of what you once were. Nowhere is home. No one is family.

The pain it inflicts on those around you. Until that pain becomes numbness. I guess it is different for everyone in that regard, how fast it's processed. Some people can't really do it at all.

If it were me, I think I'd rather live like Stephen Hawking than how my mom did.


Also just, yanno, entertaining your friends and letting them entertain you with their company without assuming the worst of any statement they make in jest.

Yeah, they are. Too bad I poison them with my presence.


1d36 = 23


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>How close and warm is your family? Do you feel your childhood was happier than most other people's?
Yikes, I wish I could say we have any significant similarities or cultural tastes. My childhood was filled with lots of pain that hasn't healed yet. Leaving my family to forge my own path certainly does make me a bit happier, I'll say that. You know what, I am glad I'm an adult, lad. Hell yeah! Screw the past.



Well if rerolling's okay, let's try one more
d36 = 34



Trick question to get me to reveal my valuables, is it? Well, I'd either go with "what's monetarily most valuable" since that's sort of a big deal after you've lost most everything in a fire, or my NAS. By itself it's not that expensive but there's a lot of hard to replace stuff on that. Photos, documents, home videos... all good to go in just one grab.

One more: d36 = 16



Hmm... Being able to talk to someone without worrying that I'm being a bother, and having the conversations easily click, that's the good stuff.


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This reminds me of old /oat/ threads. I'll do two because fun.

1d36 = 12
1d36 = 35


>Make three true "we" statements each. For instance, "We are both in this room feeling..."

I'm genuinely not sure how to do this!

I'm currently in a public place, but I'm in a room (with open doors) in which I'm by myself!


1d36 = 26
1d36 = 26


Wow okay fuck you RNGesus

>26.Complete this sentence: "I wish I had someone with whom I could share..."
Hmmm. Actually not sure. I guess someone I could share more of my creative endeavors with. The only real IRL creative partner I have is the guy I do a podcast with, and as much as I enjoy that, I wish I had  someone that "got" and collaborated on otehr things I wanna do with videos, games, etc.


1d36 = 31


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>If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be?
That's a poorly-worded question. It's too open. One quality or ability could be 'I want to be a bit kinder' or 'I want to be princess regnant of the entire world'. Though maybe that's the idea, that I'm supposed to respond to it with how I initially interpret the query and people can infer stuff about me from that.

Anyway me bitching about the question being too open isn't actually answering the question. My first reaction was 'I want to wake up as a cisgirl, as in a girl who isn't a transgirl' so that's what I'm going with.

>Of all the people in your family, whose death would you find most disturbing? Why?
My mother. Haha joke about me posting Rydia goes here.

Basically she's the person I've most consistently been able to rely on for support throughout my life. And that means a lot considering I've done a lot of stuff I still beat myself up over like 15 years later or something.

Also I live with her and I don't know how the fuck to Exist in a house by myself they didn't teach me that shit at school.


I think I've already done this in this thread, or something really close to that!


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>I wish I had someone with whom I could share...
I dunno. I feel like the main thing I'm missing from my circle is someone to dress up and go out to music and dance events. I do have friends for certain gigs.

Other thing is finding clubs that actually play good music. Like seriously. Music is fucking trash.


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1d36 = 22


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>33.If you were to die this evening with no opportunity to communicate with anyone, what would you most regret not having told someone? Why haven't you told them yet?
That's kind of a difficult question. I try to tell people that I care about them, and the people I feel like I didn't convey that to, or didn't convey it enough I no longer have the opportunity to.


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Are you making biased political chatroulette threads again, Noelle?
For shame.

Anyways, let's see what I can get.
d36 = 33


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> 33.If you were to die this evening with no opportunity to communicate with anyone, what would you most regret not having told someone? Why haven't you told them yet?
I don't generally have much to say to people.


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This looks cute, i'll try it

1d36 = 24


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>24.How do you feel about your relationship with your mother?

I love my mom. She's a wonderful, loving, and intelligent person with an understanding of how to manipulate the system in ways I can only hope to understand someday. She can be very hot headed and impatient at times, but the number of positive memories and experiences I have with her vastly outweigh the negative ones.

This was fun, I'll do one more

1d36 = 34


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>34.Your house, containing everything you own, catches fire. After saving your loved ones and pets, you have time to safely make a final dash to save any one item. What would it be? Why?

My house

Jokes aside, it would be this giant handmade alpaca skin rug from peru. It's priceless and irreplaceable. Other memories like pictures and videos I have stored safely on two different cloud sources and two different external hard drives, one of which is always kept in a sturdy fireproof box.


Huh. This one is back.

1d36 = 29


>Share an embarrassing moment in your life.
Literally any time I make anything and I remember I am terrible at most things?

In seriousness, though, I don't remember many like... actually that embarassing moments. I don't really give myself crap for "cringe" when I was a kid, for instance.

I did have a habit of sounding a lot more crass and harsh than I intended when I wanted to correct someone on the stuff they said to me, or if they misunderstood something I said - and I am definitely not proud of that, cause it sounded pretty assholish. It was never the intention, but I used to be a lot angrier and assume a lot more ill intent from folks. So I guess that's it?

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