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Happy 4/20 Day!
It’s 4/20/2024, a palindrome. They’re calling it the “Stoner Eclipse”!


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Dammit! I have work today


Oh well, I guess I'll share some trippy music in the meantime






CW: NSFW music video












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Oddly enough, I dislike THC.
Had a horrible trip last time.
But I do like the groove in regards to 420


NSFW video



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Happy Hitler's Birthday. Too. I guess.

Speaking of comedy, this WWII photo of the dude looking unhappy while trying in vain to sled using an old-timey toy thing is just so stupid and weird that it honestly STILL cracks me up.


next year, 4/20 will be on Easter


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Weed? What weed? That's uh, illegal here. Yup, infact I have never even heard of it.

... Anybody have any food?


There's a nice page here about the alternating day of Easter: https://www.rmg.co.uk/stories/topics/when-easter

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