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File: 1713758641409.png (157.78 KB, 820x700, 41:35, ts20.png) ImgOps Google

We used to write stories together!

You can find them here: http://fndkp.jimdofree.com

Nowadays we just sit around and talk. Feel free to join.

We also have some 8-bit desktop ponies here: https://github.com/RoosterDragon/Desktop-Ponies/releases/download/v1.68/Desktop.Ponies.v1.68.zip

And more are here:

Check out the deviantART community:

Your can find the program source code on github:
179 posts and 131 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1714538618920.jpg (318.77 KB, 1080x1358, 540:679, 1711305531691.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

>You gotta save up for next Christmas
No, I gotta invest more, dork.
I think only the real fun can be had if I live off the interest and never touch the principal.


File: 1714538769343.png (46.46 KB, 185x197, 185:197, dash125.png) ImgOps Google

When will you have invested enough?


File: 1714538954026.jpg (322.74 KB, 1053x1920, 351:640, 1d9adabbbb3bd073c58a9023e4….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

I don't know. I could be done next year or maybe in 20 years. Who knows.


File: 1714539326436.png (315.73 KB, 904x709, 904:709, dash142.png) ImgOps Google

I hope your investements will always perform well!


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Not much hope is needed with a good index fund here. It's the individual stocks you'd hope good outcomes occur. Or if you're one of those doomer types, you can always buy gold and silver if you think anarchy is around the corner.


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I think in that case you better have some canned goods instead of gold, heh.


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You're probably thinking of a full-scale nuclear war. In that case, I'd most likely commit sudoku. I figured there'd be some semblance of government in this world that values gold or silver. And I rely on a structured society to get my estrogen. But an annihilated world with few survivors is the worst outcome for me.


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That will hopefully never happen.


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Vibrantly colorful! Flavour-wise, no idea. They need at least 48h before they're good to try. I got inspired by the pickled tomatoes I bought at a Ukrainian shop recently and they were quite good, so I have some hopes here. Theirs were much bigger, but I figured filling up the jar exactly would be easier with cherry tomatoes (or whatever this variety is called in English). They're looking Pretty Good.


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Look interesting. I'm not much of a tomato or pickles fan, so I think I'd pass. I like small pickled gurkins though.



I don't really eat many pickled things either (though a gherkin does go well with some things), and I never actually had pickled tomatoes before I got these Ukrainian ones very recently and was surprised by how good they were: https://ukrainskismak.pl/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/xpomidory_z_chasnykom.jpg.pagespeed.ic.P0gZWqGRMy.webp . Surprisingly firm, a bit sweet, a bit spicy (it's not just garlic in the brine but also chilli), and nicely flavourful. I'm hoping to get that with mine, but no clue how that'll turn out, if only because I never made them so I didn't have a reference to adjust the brine.

So anyway, Baldurs Gate 3, huh. As good as the reviews say, then?


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Surprisingly so. I finished it yesterday after 150 hours of game time. It only had the smallest issues, so worth every Cent.



Very nice. I currently don't feel like I have the mental capacity to start a sprawling game like this, but I'm keeping that one on my radar.

Do you think I should play BG1 and BG2 first if I do go for BG3? I never played 2 because I wanted to play BG1 first, and I never could get through BG1 fully because I found the combat too tedious.


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Honestly, I played BG1 on release and it was a glitchy mess. I didn't enjoy it at all. Which is why I gave BG2 a pass altogether.

So I can only speak for BG3, which was great.



I just had a look and it seems there's a remaster for BG1, so maybe that's worth a look. And BG2 was apparently always Way Better than BG1 - but I never played it since I wanted to do them in order. I should probably not let the same logic keep me from BG3, I'm mostly just wondering if it means I'd be missing something important. Backstory bits, maybe? Sounds like not really a concern though.


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If there was any backstory to miss it must have gone completely over my head.

Also, I know nothing about DnD and it was all clear enough.



File: 1714565012636.jpg (89.5 KB, 777x598, 777:598, dash304.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Oh my, I didn't even notice.


File: 1714565367371.png (1.32 MB, 850x850, 1:1, 1302829341d133d6729432ad3e….png) ImgOps Google

And it only took until today lmao


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I rarely check 'em nowadays.


Happy first of may!


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Happy Labour Day!



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Good morning.


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Good evening!


How's it going?


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I'm about to count Gabis.  Or count sheep.  😴


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I hope you'll sleep well then!


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Home at last.


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This week is not the best week to make studying progress.

Wednesday - activity
Today activity
tomorrow activity


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What activities prevent you from studying?


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Jeez, and that game came out two months before I was even born.

I sorta wish I was born earlier. Like, haha, 'born in the wrong generation', but also I missed a really good decade of gaming in its entirety and now we're stuck with marketable AAAAA games with no creativity for the rest of eternity.


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Hi Scoots. You can always play those old games too, though!


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File: 1714759137083.png (140.36 KB, 507x454, 507:454, swingy.png) ImgOps Google

Tell me
what does 'cheugy' mean?


File: 1714759609496.png (293.17 KB, 993x559, 993:559, dash132.png) ImgOps Google

I've never heard of that.


File: 1714760142792.png (45.1 KB, 379x380, 379:380, tophat lurker 2.png) ImgOps Google

I wanna be hip with the kids.


Who uses the term 'cheugy'?


File: 1714761420835.png (45.1 KB, 379x380, 379:380, tophat lurker 2.png) ImgOps Google

well, aside from in these few posts, not me


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Well, I don't think I will use it. It sounds weird.


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That's very...
of you.


File: 1714767864607.jpg (69.06 KB, 1000x976, 125:122, 2662598_.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Never heard that one before.


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File: 1714792129076.png (189.9 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ts4.png) ImgOps Google

Good morning you cheugs.


File: 1714794290711.png (152.49 KB, 772x650, 386:325, GIHKBYFXQAA4.png) ImgOps Google

I mostly only fancy Oxford English Dictionary words, lad.

Though you gave me a good laugh heheh..


File: 1714794463953.gif (272.86 KB, 396x607, 396:607, ts12.gif) ImgOps Google

How are you this morning?


File: 1714794696025.jpg (199.23 KB, 2000x1196, 500:299, 85716.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Doing pretty good all things considered. I'm looking forward to some more reading and eventually a game night.


File: 1714794840136.png (315.73 KB, 904x709, 904:709, dash142.png) ImgOps Google

That's good. What would you like to play?


File: 1714795149159.gif (1.09 MB, 314x209, 314:209, Boop for Moshy.gif) ImgOps Google

I'll let some digital dice decide..
1=cod ghosts
2=cod advanced warfare
3=cod infinite warfare
1d3 = 1


File: 1714795231472.png (140.42 KB, 900x542, 450:271, dash188.png) ImgOps Google

So it is decided! There was lots of CoD there!

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