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Does excessive consumption of LA (as in most American diets) increase risk of sunburn?


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Can we can it with this stream of tiktok science?


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I don't know that consuming Los Angelos is a direct cause, but you are likely to pick up a lot of sunlight while you do so.


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Now is not the time for Finland. That comes later.

At least the days of LA smog are mostly gone.


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It's your hyperfocus, you tell us


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There is some weak evidence that lower amount of PUFA in cell membranes might reduce the risk of sunburn.  Omega-6 is generally pro-inflammatory, which might exacerbate sunburn.  Whether low PUFA also reduces the risk of skin cancer is even more uncertain.  My recommendation is wear adequate sunscreen regardless.


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Heh, a shame I don't have blue collar work which would make me take sunburn into consideration. Hopefully I'm not too pale.


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I just really want to post this...


I have been weirded out by the fact that plenty of people on social media have called for the ban of sunscreen or calling people sheep/idiots for wearing sunscreen.

What about sunburns?
Well, this thread is a rabbithole, since appearantly your diet is the only reason you get sunburns.
Cut out all vegetables and you're somehow impervious to sunburns and skincancer. Even if you spend a day walking around in full sun unprotected.


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>I have been weirded out by the fact that plenty of people on social media have called for the ban of sunscreen or calling people sheep/idiots for wearing sunscreen.
>Cut out all vegetables and you're somehow impervious to sunburns and skincancer.
LOL, are people really saying that?  I've only seen the seed-oil claims, nothing about cutting out veggies.  Is this a TikTok thing?  Well, a little less than 270 days until TikTok gets banned in America.  Good riddance, I say!


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If it is, then it's just another reason to be glad for the ban. That along with adding hydrogen to water.


You know.

There's no hydrogen in water.


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Ah yes. H3O, because H2O isn't good enough. Lord.


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People need to learn to uninstall tiktok, holy shit. Or drop their friends like a hot coal if they use it.


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Tiktok on its own is one thing.
But there's a headbashing amount of stupidity spreading around social media these days.

Anti vax, for one. Because it seems that also in my own nation, there's been a latest rise in illnesses previously prevented because more and more people stop vaccinating themselves or their kids.

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