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i have decided, in addition to working hard, it is time to get properly fit again c:

let us work out and be healthy, ok? what are your good tips?


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My favorite exercise is power walking. For at least three miles, ideally.


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i have been doing some jumping rope, and running, and body weight exercises.

but, i still don't quite have time to go to the gym

i feel i should be trying to do... a better job at health!


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Eating healthy and good exercise are two of the best ways to maintain your health. I'm more focused on the former since my metabolism is quite high as a young individual. I'll kick the exercise up a notch when I get older. I'm not really the physical type.


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Every day.


I have a extra thick, folding gymnastics mat (the yoga matts are too thin and end up hurting my joints), and a small, cheap, treadmill with no handrails that I can just lean up against the wall when I'm not using it.

It was about a $300 dollar investment total, but I have gotten the most use out of these because they are so easy to access when I'm at home and can do a variety of things on them. The mat especially is nice, and I just download whatever exercise app I feel like using for a while before I get bored. I also watch examples of how to properly do a certain stretch or hold on youtube, because I made a lot of mistakes before and really hurt my wrists and shoulders. Posture is important!

The treadmill is a really, REALLY convenient because since it's just right there, I end up using it a lot more than trying to schedule in a walk.

Taking a 5 minutebreak from something? Treadmill.

Need to do computer work but don't want to sit while I do it? Slow walk on the treadmill as I work.

Need to have my cup of coffee and help myself wake up? Drink the coffee while walking on the treadmill.

Honestly those two things I would recommend to everyone.


Oh and another thing thats versatile about those, is if I wanted to strengthen my muscles up, all I would have to do is get a good hiking backpack and put weights in it while I walk. Starting slowly of course, don't want to hurt yourself, but you can see how versatile those two things can be, because you can basically customize whatever kind of workout you want to do, and it's right there at home.


I've tried.

Can't afford the gym. Not much room to do anything at home. Always lose momentum way too fast like with everything else I try to schedule. And WHEN i finally AM doing it... I just wanna be literally anywhere else. That magical moment where suddenly you just can't live without it that everyone tells me happens automatically never happens for me.

And as for just taking walks, I live in a boring ass town that takes like maybe 10 minutes to walk to the other end of. Anywhere nice to walk would require me driving there, which I can't. The closest we get is a little community garden area, but again, you can get through that in like ten minutes.

I could absolutely stand to lose my gut and not be a fat fuck, but nothing works, and the few things I do sort of enjoy (like waaaay back when I did karate) cost MONEY I neither have or will ever be worth enough buckets of piss in the eyes of society to have.

Sooo that's about it for regular exercise or being anything remotely resembling decently fit for me.


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I find one of the basic issues with workout is that question on how much workout is really needed.
Like, it's not too difficult to go for a walk or a light jog around the neighboorhood everyday,
or set up an exercise with jumping jacks / push ups / sit ups until you get tired.

But then there's those official workout channels who are like "If you can't clear a run of 25 km in about 2 hours and continue doing 1000 one hand push ups at 100 per minute, you're not exercising."


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I get my lifting in at work and probably do about 10K steps a day.
Been working in my diet and people have said I look like I'm losing weight.

My tips are walk more, cook from scratch, and learn to make veggies tasty without adding processed sugars.


Those latter ones are incorrect, and almost certainly made by someone who has never had to actually lose weight in any meaningful way for any reasons beyond improving their looks (which is naturally valid in its own way, but pretty useless to those wanting to do it for health or weight loss reasons).

There area lot of exercise and diet experts openly admonishing that mindset, and kind of shaming personal trainers who have clearly never been in a less than great physical or mental state that add challenges to the process themselves.


I think it also works a perspective for your post.
In the end, perhaps there's no need to pay for gym memberships or to buy fancy equipments. And while motivating, you don't really need natural parks or any special landmarks to visit.
A bit of a personal schedule, going for a brisk walk or just setting a youtube play list to do push ups to for about 5 minutes can still make a difference.

(I definitely should see if I can make room for a trampoline again, though)


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Maybe it's time for a montage?


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>That magical moment where suddenly you just can't live without it that everyone tells me happens automatically never happens for me.

Oh F*** that, I've never had that. Mine has always been more like how I feel about showering... My brain will fight me every single step of the way to motivate myself enough to just freakin start, but once I start it feels amazing. I also treat exercie like the shower: I have to do it. It's mandatory at least twice a week, but preferably every day. If I don't major consequences start happening.

For me at least, it's not so much a magical moment as a, "if I don't freaking do this I WILL get depressed and angry, and that's not fair to both myself and the people I love".

Exercise is freaking annoying lol


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as soon weathers allows it and it being WARM enough. im planning Row in the small rowboat 3 times a week to the needles eye point at our lake. and thats like 45 minutes? ( back n forth )

but moving your body only allows you to do so much, you need to find as many suggested it. right food. and that will be what never makes me get more into shape


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i feel in terms of excersise, i could do more in terms of strength and conditioning. cardio is good tho

but my most dire need is to change up diet. i end up working and getting caught up in stuff, and having very little energy or desire to prep my own food, which leads me to rely on frozen food and fast food a bit too often.


You know what I like to do?

Make a huge bowl of pancake mix and separate it into those small sandwhich size ziplock bags. About two cups each. Throw those in the freezer, and whwnever I need some I just take one out and leave it on the counter for about 15 minutes. Boom, instant pancakes at the ready.

I mean I still gotta cook it, but it cuts the time down so much.

I also do that with potatoes (chopping them up into stew sized chunks, tiny chunks for hashbrowns, etc).

Basically anything that I can preportion to be able to just pull out and make one quick meal for myself.

Otherwise I forget things and they go bad...

So many rotten veggies 😫


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What might be investment for you and everyone in the thread for meal prep are:
Deli cups
Portion scoops
Ladles that are multiple of 2oz.
Painters tape

The deli cups are standard sizes from a cup to a quart. They are reusable but check if you put strong odors in them like garlic and onions as if you smell it then plastic has absorbed it.
Portion scoops just to get a good grasp on how much a serving is and how to scale.
Ladles for liquids but specifically multiples of 2 so they all scale with each other.
Painters table for lable and dates.


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>what are your good tips?
Avoid seed oils, especially seed oils that are cooked with at high temperatures or for long times.




I am aware.
But also, I just don't enjoy it much. Walking around this place just makes me remember how trapped I feel sometimes more than anything. And I am notoriously garbage at actually sticking to schedules for very long if unattended, even if I WANT to.

...well, for stuff like this rather than actual work, that is.

>Once I start it feels amazing
Again. Doesn't happen to me with exercise. Like, at all. I'm just bored at best. Even with music, podcast or audio book going as I do.


That sucks, I'm sorry man


Excellent advice 👌


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Nah, I'm sorry. I feel like I'm being a dick and just shooting everything down. But I genuinely do not know how else to describe my troubles with this.


I would, in fact I used to go to a gym, but I can never get rid of this belly fat :c


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You're all good, no offense taken. You weren't exactly asking for advice, and you know me I just start jabbering when somthing grabs my attention.

What I meant by "I'm sorry that sucks", was I'm sorry your brain doesn't give you the right amount of good feels for the thing that is supposed to give you the good feels.

Unrelated note, I have like no reaction images saved on my phone. So here's a cat being silly.


Hey, I am on a laptop I save way too few images on so I just have nada to post most of the time


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You have a laptop too?
Yay! Laptop buddies!
Sorry for being a dork, I've been with laptops most of my life lmao


For lounging-on-the-couch purposes, yes.

I don't really use it for anything other than browsing while I watch videos. My work / hobby computer is a desktop now.

But for a long time I could only afford to have one computer at all, so I more or less HAD to go for stronger Laptops.


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I could've built a stronger desktop with specs that would surpass my current laptop, but oh boy, it's like a nice little paperweight workhorse with great portability. I just couldn't overlook the deal when I saw it.


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i've been meeting up with a friend twice a week to some basic gym work and it's been pretty good! eventually, though, i'd love to get into more bodyweight stuff! especially gym ring workouts


I get it.

It's just nice to have a strong desktop for games and video editing instead of constantly hoping a laptop can keep up.



I hope you don't mind if I use this post as a jumping off point for a little rant.

I dream of when someone with capital to burn and a tech-engineer affinity figures out we can have it all. Because we can. It's quite easy with just a small rearrangement of the current laptop tech, but that means it would have to be done by a laptop company, and it would disrupt the market in a way the current players from that side would not like at all. So I understand them not wanting to shoot themselves in the foot. But still, it's just Right There.

Here's the idea. It's very simple. We create three devices. One is an extension card which you can connect to the desktop. The fastest USB would honestly do, but it should probably be internal with a sticking out port, like a graphics card. The port on the outside is gigabit ethernet, perfectly bog standard stuff.

The second device is an access point which has a gigabit ethernet port, and a radio optimized for very fast, very low latency communication on relatively short ranges. No WiFi, can't allow any extra latency.

The third device is basically a laptop - screen, keyboard, touchpad, speakers and all. But it has only a minimum of internal components, mostly just a battery and the other Special Radio, and a few bits-and-bobs to make it all work.

How it would work is the "laptop" would start and then connect wirelessly to the access point, which would be nearby (maybe you could have a few in multiple places in your house). It would send the inputs from its input devices, and receive back a constant stream of video and sound data, which it would display. The access point would get this video and sound data from the card hooked up to the desktop, which would be dedicated hardware for encoding and sending that stuff, and decoding the input data.

And that's it. You can actually kind of bodge this sort of setup together right now, with Steam on a desktop and some random old Linux SteamLink laptop with a good wifi connection as your terminal. With real dedicated hardware it would work brilliantly, giving us laptops effectively with desktop hardware, that are 100% upgradeable like desktops (because it is just a desktop, with a laptop terminal). The drawback is you couldn't actually take this laptop outside of your house, but many laptop users do not do that anyway, they just want to use the laptop on the bed or the table or something (the others can just get a regular laptop). The desktop itself you could place anywhere (say the attic, if you have an ethernet cable that reaches it), so no need to deal with loud fans or whatever. It'd be brilliant.

...but it would mean fewer sales of Expensive Laptops with Fat Specs and the end user could keep their laptop-terminal for a long time while they just repeatedly upgrade the desktop, so y'know.


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they need to invent a way to be healthy that doesnt contain exercise.



Isn't that diet?


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I'll keep that in mind.
Even if "they" could, it's very likely to be monetized to be a profitable endeavor whereas adequate exercise is practically free in and of itself unless you want to get really buff.
If you're an individual without much physical ailments, exercise and a good diet should suffice. Though my latest interest is genetically modified humans, but we know that shit is gonna be costly.



Try the Steamlink thing for yourself, you'll see that I'm in fact not full of it. Not about that, at least.


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I know it's legit. I tried something similar in the past by syncing an Xbox One S with an iPad mini. Played Call of Duty: Ghosts for awhile and it worked pretty good. Wasn't terribly impressed with it though. But I'll still look into its practical applications.



The problem is that you need actual serious processing power on both ends of the transfer. iPad mini, ehhhhhhhhhhhh, that's not exactly a powerhouse, but sure. I've been playing around with the Steamlink thing and managed to play through Breath of the Wild on it. On an emulator. And at no point did I feel like it was a problem that I was doing it remotely. Steamlink is just software though, but if there was dedicated hardware, we'd truly be There.


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I made it over my personal walking goal that I'd set mentally of traveling over 3/4th of a mile today, and I hope to after a little bit more resting get to something far higher as a total so that over 3,000 steps have been made!


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i need to catch up with my own thread. gosh, i am so slow lately!


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It's alright, mooner. Your wellbeing should be a priority.



You catch up when you get time Moony


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I've been walking a decent amount, and as it gets warmer, I'm going to be going on bike rides.
I also do fencing for a couple hours every Saturday.


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First I gotta be able to stand or walk for more than a few minutes without my legs going numb. I'll get there.

Hey, at least you posted in it a few times. I've had this thread tabbed for almost a week.


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"Trans -4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (4-HNE) (Figure 1) is a major electrophilic product of lipid peroxidation caused by oxidative stress, which is formed by radical-initiated degradation of ω-6-polyunsaturated fatty acids such as linoleic and arachidonic acids, two relatively abundant fatty acids in human cells (1)."
"... 4-HNE may be an important etiological agent for human cancers that have a mutation at codon 249 of the p53 gene."


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