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I find myself drawing parallels between the LGBT movement and the civil rights movement [for legal and social equality on the basis of race and/or perceived race].  But it also occurs to me that trying to draw any meaning comparison, especially to further my own opinions, could be a kind of cultural appropriation, even given that race can be intersectional with LGBT issues.  (I am white.)

Should groups facing opposition to their liberty...stay in their own lanes, so to speak, just to be on the safe side?


It occurs to me this might be a good way to think about the current problem of divide between feminists, who have an interest in the freedom of cis-gender women (without a race component), and the LGBT+ community.  Feminists might be said to be worried about LGBT+ appropriation of their work.  (Should people respect this concern?)


The fear of cultural appropriation is immense and its dangers are widely exaggerated.  There are obviously going to be some parallels between any fight for civil rights, because they're all bound by the common factor of civil rights.  And if pointing that out gets more people civil rights then that's only a positive.


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>cultural appropriation
The whole concept of """cultural appropriation""" is a steaming pile of bullshit.

>Should people respect this concern?


>Should groups facing opposition to their liberty...stay in their own lanes, so to speak, just to be on the safe side?
Definitely not, no.

Frankly, it's a strong part of why I hate identitarian groups.
Liberty is liberty.


>And if pointing that out gets more people civil rights then that's only a positive.
I gather opinions vary on that last part.  But to me, zero-sum thinking becomes problematic when it calls for denying others human rights.  Although others may have their opinions.

I see.

I respect if a group wants to remain separate.  I gather feminists (but not all feminists) would rather have that any other activism for equality remain segregated.  And I think we need to respond to that desire with empathy.

But not being a feminist, I think my opinion aligns with what you say.


Human beings have civil rights by virtue of being human. The moment you start using biological labels to determine whether or not one type of person is more worthy of rights compared to others, well, that's a one-way-ticket to Dachau. I don't see anything that changes this law of history.


Yes, all humans have human rights.  Opinions vary on whether humans rights are a good idea. I'm in favor, personally.  Dachau concentration camp was a facility of the Nazi state.  The Nazi state was dissolved so I don't think people go there anymore.  I don't want to compare current state facilities to Nazi facilities.  Each state has different practices.

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