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Madman though he seemed, Thanos was right about the universe. It had grown overpopulated. There were starving people on every inhabited planet. Crime was becoming rampant. The galactic empire was struggling to keep the peace. There was pain everywhere, but only distributed amongst the poorest people. The rich and wealthy enjoyed a life of luxury on their plush and sparkling towers, glaring down with disgust on those simply less fortunate.

And after he defeated those who failed to see his vision, what did Thanos leave in his wake? Pain, oh yes. Wide spread pain, like the sting of an open wound which has been doused in disinfectant. Like the aches of a cut off gangrenous limb.

But it was fair. Thanos's purge was indiscriminate. The pain was spread and felt evenly across the galaxy, the universe. Everyone lost someone. Everyone became the same. And everyone helped each other. The people galvanized about the pain of their loss, and they grew together, rebuilding their world, now full of abundance.

Like the atomic bomb saved the people of WWII Japan, Thanos and the Infinity Stones saved the universe.


In reading the Wikipedia page on Thanos (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thanos), specifically his biography, it would appear that Thanos is a fictional god or god-like being and a personfication of the philosophical concept of nihilism. In addition, according to his Wikipedia page, he "...[worshiped] and eventually [fell] in love with the physical embodiment of Mistress Death." This is intersting because whereas nihilism is a Western philosophical idea which arose in the 19th century (https://www.britannica.com/topic/nihilism), the idea of worshiping a personal deity in order to attain enlightenment is a much older Hindu idea. We the similarity in Hinduism with the Sadhu (Hindu Holy Men) who do this. The "Mistress Death" is reminiscient of Yama, the Hindu god of death - "Yama (Sanskrit: यम), also known as Kala, and Dharmaraja is the Hindu god of death and justice, responsible for the dispensation of law and punishment of sinners in his abode, Yamapuri.[12][13] He is often identified with Dharmadeva, the personification of Dharma, though the two deities have different origins and myths" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yama_(Hinduism)).

The story, however, surrounding Thanos does not appear to have roots in the concept of being a holy man... "Sādhu means one who practises a 'sadhana' or keenly follows a path of spiritual discipline" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sadhu). The Wikipedia article on Thanos continues, "Wishing to impress Mistress Death, Thanos gathers an army of villainous aliens and begins a nuclear bombardment of Titan that kills millions of his race." This is more akin to Judeo-Christian theology as well as reminiscient of the fictional works of Tolkein, in which one tries to spread their religion to others because they believe God wanted them to. In addition, if Thanos did this to impress his deity, the motivation would not be spiritual. It is written that "Thanos eventually locates the Cube, and also attracts the attention of Mistress Death." Assuming this to mean that she approved of his actions, the real-world religious basis of the narrative appears to begin to fall apart. It is written: "Willing the Cube to make him omnipotent, Thanos then discards the Cube." Prayer to an inanimate object is simple idol worship. Or, the story may also be seen as the limitations of using one's will in order to effect a change (i.e.: if the cube is destroyed (one runs out of willpower) then they become powerless).

Next, the Wikipedia article writes, "During this alliance Thanos cultivates a plan to reunite with Mistress Death, and secretly siphons off the energies of Warlock's Soul Gem, combining these with the power of the other Infinity Gems to create a weapon capable of destroying a star." The idea of energies existing in the universe is also reminisicent of Hinduism, as well as New Age religions. The idea that a gem may hold energy is reminiscient of Paganism and New Age, and probably others, as well.

The rest of the biography appears to combine ad-hoc elements of different religions in order to excite the reader in order for the company who owns the intellectual property of Thanos to increase profits. This is an example of cultural appropriation because elements from different cultures are combined in a way that disrespects the cultures from which they originated.

I can't directly comment on the events you talk about, but based on my readings of Thanos' biography, it would appear that Thanos wasn't trying to pursue his own spiritual improvement. According to Buddhism, this would mean that his actions must necessarily eventually cause harm to others (due to ignorance of one's true nature) and not being on the path.


There's like a couple of ways to solve the situation without killing many, but I suppose murdering a large chunk of the universe's population drives home the point, I guess.


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Couldn't he have just sterilized half the population instead?  A bit slower at reducing the population, but much less painful.


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If we generously remove all of the weird psychological stuff from Thanos' life, such as his creepy attitudes towards his children and other individuals connected to him through family or friendship connections (with has uncomfortable predatory undertones), we can analyze Thanos from a socio-economic perspective.

Let us be scientific.

He's indeed correct, based on my assessment, that the massively increased population of the Milky Way Galaxy's sentient beings would present a variety of problems, particularly the loss of badly needed resources. In the history of English language academia, this view of economics is called "Malthusian" and has a lot of criticism. This criticism from the point of view of English-speaking nations is valid, through my eyes, since English-speaking peoples can just leave the continents of Earth to get more resources. Earth is not a closed system; access to other locations in the solar system already exists for detailed analysis. However, the Milky Way Galaxy is a different story as it appears to be significantly isolated from all other entities in outer space. So, constantly increasing overpopulation for resources that simply cannot be replicated in any way (such as involving unique matter related to peculiar stellar events) is tricky.

However, the logical solution to this would be obtaining the 'Time Stone' and then the 'Reality Stone'. Doing this means that Thanos has the ability to go into future versions of the Milky Way Galaxy including alternate dimensions that don't involve any of the same residents living on those planets. Travel through spacetime becomes simple. This situation entails the ability to mine a gigantic variety of locations for all of the needed resources without any actual harm coming to any living being.

Thus, Thanos is both right and wrong at the same time.


The resources his plan calls for make it a one-time-only deal. The doubling time for humans is roughly 35 years, though mass casualty events are frequently followed by baby booms so it could be dramatically shorter.

I don't know what part 2 of his plan was. I don't think he had one since stabilizing population growth would make the whole preventative genocide thing unnecessary. He talked about balance? I don't know what he's actually balancing though because it isn't growth rates.

He just kind of reminds me of those people who notice the symptoms of a problem and think that they have the solution to it without dedicating any more thought or observation to understanding it.


Yes, he was correct and it happens in nature all of the time.

>Too many deer aren't killed by hunters or wolves
>Deer eat everything in sight and populate out of control
>Everything starves and dies
>The cycle repeats


It was fair, it was indiscriminate.
Now describe one way in which it helped...?


Thing is, deer don't have FTL, and also their populations aren't fixed job done by one single action besides.


I think that was supposed to be facetious.

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